$docker compose run --rm web python manage.py db upgrade This runs a database upgrade script, and removes the container when finished running, even if a restart policy is specified in the service configuration. Options OptionDefaultDescription ...
bundle Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file config Validate and view the Compose file create Create services down Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes events Receive real time events from containers exec Execute a command in a running container help Get help on a c...
docker-compose up -d ###创建并启动且后台运行docker compose文件中的容器 docker-compose down ###关闭并删除docker compose文件中的容器 docker-compose ps ###查看docker compose创建的容器明细 四、Docker Compose文件编写介绍: compose其核心在于对模板文件的使用,涉及到指令关键字。docker-compose模板文件格式为y...
How to manage multi-containerapplication? To manage containers we can use a few basic docker-compose commands: Build or rebuild services docker-compose build Create and start containers docker-compose up The containers have been run and logs printed on the console. To run in background use param...
RUN /bin/bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y && apt-get install vim -y' WORKDIR /app I can create this container fine, can shell into it and run simple commands likedocker ps -aordocker-compose version. But when I try to rundocker-compose up, I get the following...
docker run -itd ubuntu It is literally exactly what you quoted (except without the tty input, and Docker Compose handles running it in the background). You’ve got this part down; your next step should be plugging in a custom Dockerfile so you can make the container do something interesti...
三、docker-compose常用命令 3.1、Docker-compose命令格式 docker-compose [-f <arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...] 查看docker-compose命令说明 Defineandrun multi-container applications with Docker. Usage: docker-compose [-f <arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...] ...
Run commands in container as if were native. Stress-free dockerized development environment finally arrived. What is rid? With arid/directory at the root of a project, any command prefixed byridis executed within a Docker container. $ ls./rid config.ymldocker-compose.ymlDockerfile ...
The `docker-compose up` command aggregates the output of each container. When the command exits, all containers are stopped. Running `docker-compose up -d` starts the containers in the background and leaves them running. If there are existing containers for a service, and the service's conf...
$docker compose run --rm web python manage.py db upgrade This runs a database upgrade script, and removes the container when finished running, even if a restart policy is specified in the service configuration. Options OptionDefaultDescription ...