If you do not want the run command to start linked containers, use the--no-depsflag: $docker compose run --no-deps web python manage.py shell If you want to remove the container after running while overriding the container’s restart policy, use the--rmflag: ...
docker-composestart[SERVICE...] docker-composestart 13,docker-compose run 在指定服务上执行一个命令 docker-compose run [options] [-v VOLUME...] [-pPORT...] [-e KEY=VAL...] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...] -d 后台运行 --name 指定name --entrypoint CMD Override the entrypoint of the imag...
links: - redis - rabbitmq container_name: im-server-compose restart: on-failure depends_on: - rabbitmq - redis ports: - "3000:3000" ## 添加运行脚本的命令 command: sh -c './wait-for.sh rabbitmq:15672 -- npm run start'文章转载至:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000021504344...
/usr/bin/docker-compose: line 1: Not: command not found I removed everything and tried the curl command (pointed at /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin) again, followed by the chmod command. Nowwhich docker-composereturns /usr/bin/docker-compose So I try to test the installation again ...
The following code sample is a self-containeddocker composeexample to run the Document Intelligence Layout container. Withdocker compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application's services. Then, with thedocker-compose upcommand, you create and start all the services from ...
After signing up for Docker Build Cloud, add the builder to your local environment and start building. $docker buildx create --driver cloudORG/BUILDER_NAMEcloud-ORG-BUILDER_NAME$docker build\--builder cloud-ORG-BUILDER_NAME\--platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 \--tagIMAGE_NAME\...
12345FROM ubuntu:latest # Mount and print MY_SECRET RUN --mount=type=secret,id=MY_SECRET \ cat /run/secrets/MY_SECRET In this example, the secret will return a blank line in the pipeline log and would be printed in the container used to generate the image layer by thecatcommand. ...
Configure which services to start: Selected and dependencies: By default, Docker Compose starts all of the specified services and linked services. None: Don't start any services after creating them. This is similar to using the--no-startoption with thedocker-compose upcommand. ...
Hi, It will be very helpful to have something like "onrun" in the YAML to be able to run commands after the run. Similar to moby/moby#8860 mongodb: image: mongo:3.0.2 hostname: myhostname domainname: domain.lan volumes: - /data/mongodb:/...
5.2 编辑docker-compose.yaml文件 本次实践部署使用docker compose方式,编辑的docker-compose.yaml文件。 version: "3" volumes: data: services: note-mark: image: ghcr.io/enchant97/note-mark-aio:0.11.1 restart: unless-stopped volumes: - data:/data environment: # !!! REPLACE These !!! JWT_SECRET...