1、正在尝试使用Gunicorn和Nginx将django应用程序部署到AWS EC2实例2、Nginx反向代理到dockerized angular应用程序无法加载资产3、连接到部署到EC2的Flask应用程序4、是否可以在EC2上部署Daphne SSL而不需要Nginx?5、无法通过nginx访问dockerized pgAdmin6、Dockerized react应用程序无法与dockerized django应用程序通信 🐸 ...
我们将使用官方的Docker镜像,在操作系统为Ubuntu的EC2上部署ELK。 首先登录到EC2服务器,并在/home/ubuntu/目录中创建一个名为“elk”的目录。 按照以下步骤在EC2上安装Docker。 cd到“elk”目录,并创建一个名为docker-compose.yml的文件: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 version:'2...
它允许用户通过一个单独的 docker-compose.yml 模板文件(YAML 格式)来定义一组相关联的应用容器为一个项目(project)。 Compose 中有两个重要的概念: 服务(service):一个应用的容器,实际上可以包括若干运行相同镜像的容器实例。 项目(project):由一组关联的应用容器组成的一个完整业务单元,在 docker-compose.yml ...
This enables you to run the same image on different types of hardware, such as development machines running x86-64 or ARM-based Amazon EC2 instances in the cloud, without the need for emulation. Difference between single-platform and multi-platform images...
I’m trying to deploy two services on a single ec2 instance with docker-machine and docker-compose. Here’s what I’m doing: docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --engine-install-url=https://web.archive.org/web/201706…
According to Docker, “[Compose is] currently used by millions of developers and with over 650,000 Compose files on GitHub.” There is a good reason for that; Docker Compose is an elegant yet very simple way to describe your containerized application stack. This format has been used and ...
用户自定义网络中所连接容器不能共享环境变量,不过有更好的方式实现共享环境变量(docker卷挂载、compose文件定义、集群)。默认桥接网络中所连接的容器共享环境变量。 4、容器间的通信方案 容器间通信方案: bridge模式让同一个Docker网络上的所有容器在所有端口上都可以相互连接。 默认桥接网络不支持基于名称的服务发现和...
Atlas supports Docker Compose, a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Atlas for Docker Compose lets you run Atlas on a single host. If you need scaling, fault tolerance, high availability, or other advanced features, you may be interested in Atlas for Kubernetes....
Multi-platform builds solve this problem by packaging multiple variants of the same application into a single image. This enables you to run the same image on different types of hardware, such as development machines running x86-64 or ARM-based Amazon EC2 instances in the cloud, without the ne...