Any service defined in the docker-compose.yml file can be used as a host by using the service name. So the api service can actually connect to the db service by treating that as a host instead of a value like . That's why we're setting the value of DB_HOST to db . ...
docker compose logs Description View output from containers Usage docker compose logs [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...] Description Displays log output from services Options OptionDefaultDescription -f, --follow Follow log output --index index of the container if service has multiple replicas --no-color Produc...
2.我以rabbitmq为例 2.1.全屏滚到底部结束 #docker-compose logs 全屏滚到底部结束 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker-compose logs 2.2.全屏滚到底部并继续持续输出日志 #docker-compose logs -f 全屏滚到底部并继续持续输出日志 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker-compose logs-f 2.3.全屏滚到底部并继续持续输出日志...
Docker Compose是Docker公司推出的工具软件, 可以管理多个Docker容器组成一个应用. 你需要定义一个YAML格式的配置文件docker-compose.yml, 写多个容器之间的调用关系. 然后 只要一个命令, 就能同时启动/关闭这些容器 1. 作用 docker建议我们每一个容器中只运行一个服务, 因为dockers容器本身占用资源极少, 所以最好是将...
docker-compose down:停止并删除容器、网络和卷(如果使用–volumes选项)。docker-composestart:启动服务。docker-composestop:停止服务。docker-compose restart:重启服务。docker-composelogs:查看容器日志。docker-compose ps:列出所有容器。docker-compose config:检查d...
docker compose logs -f openim-server网络错误-response from daemon 如下错误: Error response from daemon: Invalid address It does not belong to any of this network's subnets 出现这个问题的原因是我们已经创建过这种网络: $ docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 1a3336557aa2 ...
I set COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=86400 in .env (1 day - which is fine for me in development mode) and it seems to be working fine now. Running COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=86400 docker-compose logs -ft service1 service2 works here as well. No more having to restart docker-compose logs every few...
Added a warning about the forthcoming removal of Compose V1 from Docker Desktop. Can be suppressed with COMPOSE_V1_EOL_SILENT=1. In the Compose config, boolean fields in YAML should be either true or false. Deprecated YAML 1.1 values such as “on” or “no” now produce a warning. Impr...
Docker Compose是一个用于定义和运行多个Docker容器的工具,它使用YAML文件来配置应用程序的服务、网络和卷等。在使用Docker Compose时,有时可能会遇到无法运行未运行的命令服务的问题。 无法运行未运行的命令服务可能是由以下几个原因引起的: 服务未正确配置:请确保在Docker Compose文件中正确配置了服务的命令。可以检查服...
As you can see some lines start with “test-mss”, even though the service name is “mssql” because I used@meyay’s example and some lines start with “test-mssql-1”, and other lines with a date as if multiple lines were interpreted by compose as one but that doesn’t explain ...