Issue Description Hi, I managed to debug an asp .net core 3.1 application within an Ubuntu WSL-2 distro (on Windows 10), using a docker-compose file thanks to this Vs code tutorial, but I can't figure out how to debug early executed file...
If you’re using Docker Compose to deploy an application (whether locally or remotely) and something’s not working, here’s a concise approach you can use to debug the deployment and get your containers up and running properly. To put this into greater context, recently I was trying to cr...
1 docker compose --project-directory $PWD/[MY SOURCE] configYour container exits when the commands contained within are invalid — just like we saw earlier. You’ll be able to see if you’ve entered a command incorrectly or if that command is empty. From there, you can update your ...
对于 Docker Compose,请按如下所示修改 docker-compose.vs.debug.yml: yml 复制 # Set the stage to debug to use an image with the .NET runtime in it services: functionappintegrated: build: target: debug 有关使用 Azure Functions 进行身份验证的代码示例(包括集成和隔离方案),请参阅 VisualStudio...
4)查看VS的build以及debug输出框里的日志也无任何迹象; 5)尝试修改docker-compose.yml的内容,时不时会出现该问题很不稳定; 6)百度该提示,没有任何匹配问题; 7)bing国际版能搜到该提示问题,stackoverflow和github上有一些提问,但是没人解答; 8)google该问题,在.net社区有人提了该问题,https://developercommunity....
1、本地安装环境为docker-compose 作为PHP调试环境 2、确保 php74 容器已经安装好了xdebug扩展 3、php.ini 配置文件(PHP7.4映射配置) [XDebug] xdebug.remote_enable=1xdebug.remote_handler="dbgp"; Set to host.docker.internalon Mac and Windows, otherwise,setto host real ip ...
{root solution folder}\obj\Docker\docker-compose.vs.debug.g.yml此處的重點是,如圖 5-12 中所示,Visual Studio 2019 另有處理 F5 按鍵動作的 Docker 命令。 此選項藉由執行在解決方案層級之 docker-compose.yml 檔案中定義的所有容器,讓您執行或偵錯多容器應用程式。 偵錯多容器解決...
run two Docker Compose services inside containers: a simple Spring Boot application and a MySQL database. The application can receive GET requests that add entries to the database. This tutorial also describes how you can set breakpoints and debug your application using a remote debug configura...
Thanks @jamescurtin for steps in I try to follow steps there to get familiar with python debug with docker-compose in vscode j2eeexper...