ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yaml' is invalid because: networks.openim-server.ipam.config value Additional properties are not allowed ('gateway' was unexpected) 查看docker compose 以及 docker 版本: [root@dev openim-docker]# docker-compose version docker-compose version 1.24.1, buil...
有时候 “502 Bad Gateway” 错误可能是由于容器网络配置不正确所导致的。为了检查容器网络配置,可以使用以下命令: docker-composeps 1. 上述命令将显示由 Docker Compose 管理的所有容器的状态。 如果在 “Ports” 列中看到 “>80/tcp” 的输出,说明容器的端口映射配置正确。否则,需要检查容器网络配...
chmod 751 /usr/bin/docker-composeroot用户执行如上命令后切换普通用户然后报错:[22633] Cannot open self /usr/bin/docker-compose or archive /usr/bin/docker-compose.pkg网上查的方法跟我的情况不一样,后面自己试了几次才发现是由于普通用户对docker-compose没有 docker 普通用户 hive gateway使用docker部署不...
Fixed a bug where docker events exited with Unexpected EOF when Docker Desktop entered/exited Resource Saver mode. Fixed a bug where docker stats --no-stream hung when Docker Desktop was in Resource Saver mode. Fixed a bug in the self-diagnose CLI that incorrectly showed the VM had not star...
Fixed a bug where docker events exited with Unexpected EOF when Docker Desktop entered/exited Resource Saver mode. Fixed a bug where docker stats --no-stream hung when Docker Desktop was in Resource Saver mode. Fixed a bug in the self-diagnose CLI that incorrectly showed the VM had not star...
Description When I add the following network to docker-compose.yml macvlan: driver: macvlan driver_opts: parent: enp3s0 ipam: config: - subnet: "" gateway: "" I get the following error: networks.macvlan.ipam.conf...
understand commands and practical examples, Docker Compose offers a user-friendly gateway into the world of container coordination. Whether you’re just beginning your container journey or aiming to refine your Docker skills, Docker Compose provides the means to navigate this field with clarity and ...
将服务打包成jar,使用docker-compose进行操作时出现了一些问题。 gateway项目在docker日志中找不到127.0.0.1:8848/。 由于是服务编排,所以尝试将这个127.0.0.1改成了别名进行操作。 在docker-compose.yml文件中,已经在gateway配置中添加了links: - xxx-nacos ...
{serverAddr='pig-register:8848', endpoint='', namespay=30000, logName='', service='pig-gateway', weight=1.0, clusterName='DEFAULT', group='DEFAULT_GROUP', namingLoadCacheAtStart='falseserved.register.source=SPRING_CLOUD}, registerEnabled=true, ip='', networkInterface='', port=...
Apollo Gateway 无法在 docker-compose 内工作 我正在尝试使用 Docker 和 docker-compose 设置一个简单的联合 Apollo 网关,但似乎无法让网关连接到模式服务。 这是docker-compose.yml文件 version: "3.9" services: gateway: build: ./api-gateway ports: - 4000:8080 depends_on: - robots - sitemaps environment...