在涉及 Docker Compose 和服务间的关系时,使用 mermaid 数据库关系图表示更为直观: SERVICEstringname服务名称stringimage镜像PORTinthostPort主机端口intcontainerPort容器端口mapsTo 结尾 通过本文,你应该已掌握如何配置 Docker Compose 并实现端口映射的基本步骤。Docker Compose 不仅可以简化容器的管理,还能帮助你更高效地...
- target: 80 #容器端口published: 8080 #宿主机端口protocol: tcp # 协议类型 mode: host # host 在每个节点上发布主机端口, ingress 对于群模式端口进行负载均衡 案例: version: "3.2" services: web: image: nginx:1.25.0 ports: - "80:80" volumes: - type: volume # mount 的类型, 必须是 bind、...
# 1、首先查看当前的所有镜像 [root@localhost xhf_test]# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE # 2、必须切换到有 compose.yml 的目录下 [root@localhost xhf_test]# ls com.DockerTestOne-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar compose.yml Dockerfile # 3、拉取 compose.yml 文件中涉及到的镜像 [root@loc...
port on which the `Manager API` should listen.# ssl:# host: # the address on which the `Manager API` should listen for HTTPS.# The default value is, if want to specify, please enable it.# port: 9001 # The port on which the `Manager API` should listen for HTTP...
docker compose cp docker compose create docker compose down docker compose events docker compose exec docker compose images docker compose kill docker compose logs docker compose ls docker compose pause docker compose port docker compose ps docker compose pull docker compose push docker compose restart ...
Find more information about thekey features and use cases of Docker Composeortry the quickstart guide. The Compose Specification is the latest and recommended version of the Compose file format. It helps you define aCompose filewhich is used to configure your Docker application’s services, network...
在`部署目录下,创建docker-compose.yaml文件,其中宿主机映射端口等可以自定义配置。 vim docker-compose.yaml version: '3' services: rediary: image: need4swede/portall:latest container_name: portall restart: always ports: - 9900:8080 volumes: - /data/portall/data:/app/instance environment: - POR...
1、hostname改为本机hostname或者本机IP 2、把http的端口改为自己想要映射的端口, 3、去掉https cpharbor.yml.tmpl harbor.yml# vim harbor.ymlhostname: {自己服务器的ip 内网外网都可以}# htp related confighttp:# port for htp, default is 80. If htps enabled, this port will redirect to htps por...
配置全局使用docker-compose命令 方法一 将/usr/local/bin添加至PATH export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin 方法二 创建软链接至PATH中包含的路径,如/usr/bin sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose ps: 查看PATH echo $PAHT ...