这里就不做过多的解释了,与平常相差不大。 我之前查找到的帖子中,没有贴出dockerfile文件在这里最重要的就是,将wait-for文件拷贝到虚拟机中,因为在docker-compose中配置的command所使用的 文件是容器中的,如果你没有拷贝那么将找不到文件。然后是apt-get update和apt-get install netcat -y则是安装wait-for运行...
Control startup and shutdown order in Compose 解决方案 启动命令前增加判断依赖服务状态的工具 wait-for-it dockerize wait-for 示例: version: "2" services: web: build: . ports: - "80:8000" depends_on: - "db" command: ["./wait-for-it.sh", "db:5432", "--", "python", "app.py"...
depends_on关键字用于定义服务之间的依赖关系。 它指示Docker Compose在启动服务时应该按照依赖关系的顺序来启动容器。 使用方法:在Docker Compose配置文件中,通过depends_on关键字指定服务之间的依赖关系。例如: version: '3' services: web: build: . depends_on: - db db: image: postgres 在上面的示例中,web服...
1.首先需要明确 depends_on 作用: 官方给的说明: depends_on does not wait for db and redis to be “ready” before starting web - only until they have been started. If you need to wait for a service to be ready, see Controlling startup order for more on this problem and strategies for ...
docker-compose教程:depends_on解决容器的依赖、启动先后的问题 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 注意:web 服务不会等待 redis db「完全启动」之后才启动。
在实际启动中,启动顺序确实按照了mysql > web > nginx的顺序启动,但depends_on关键字不会检查mysql的ready状态,且官方也表示了这个问题。 如何解决: 解决方案一: 在web部分修改restart参数的值为on-failure或者always,意思就是当web启动后,但是mysql未初始化完毕,导致web退出后进行重启,重新初始化。优点:简单高效,缺...
3. Validate and view the compose file (docker-compose -f test.yml config) Describe the results you received: I got the following error message: ERROR: The Compose file './test.yml' is invalid because: services.web.depends_on contains an invalid type, it should be an array ...
But somehow the way I previously worked is not functioning with the this fresh install. So what is working today on my old laptop is the following workflow: I create docker-compose files and when I need volumes I use following syntax ( example here is with the blackbox image ) ...
In this compose file after using network_mode: host, you are also mapping port to host port, which should not be the case. As per my understanding services with host network should run directly on host machine. May be your services are working because there is a port mapping. Did yo...