当你在使用 Docker Compose 时遇到错误消息 "no configuration file provided: not found",这通常意味着 Docker Compose 无法在其当前工作目录中找到 docker-compose.yml 文件。以下是针对你提供的 tips 的详细解答: 1. 确认docker-compose.yml文件存在 首先,你需要确认你的项目中确实存在 docker-compose.yml 文件。
1.19.x '3.0' 3.docker compose ps 命令没有结果 提示no configuration file provided: not found 原因是我运行项目的时候是 用自定义名称的yml,所以ps也要 用 -f 文件全路径 指定才行 建议还是每个项目分到不同的目录比如/home/docker/rustdesk,目录下放默认的配置文件/home/docker/rustdesk/docker-compose.yml...
not found root@ecstatic-margulis:/var/www/vhosts/gochasse.com/api.gochasse.com/directus# docker compose logs no configuration file provided: not found root@ecstatic-margulis:/var/www/vhosts/gochasse.com/api.gochasse.com/directus# docker compose up -d no configuration file provided: not found...
在docker-compose.yml的目录下执行命令,否则会报no configuration file provided: not found # 启动 docker compose up -d # 关闭 docker compose down 4、验证nginx服务 打开浏览器输入http://xxxx:81/index.html(xxxx是宿主机ip地址)出现如下信息则说明部署成功了: 5、nginx的卸载 #停止nginx容器[root@xxx ~]...
Docker-compose.yml file: version:'3.4'volumes:pgdata:networksfrontend:backend:services:db:image:postgresrestart:alwaysenvironment:POSTGRES_PASSWORD:<SomeStrongPassword>POSTGRES_DB:scrubberPOSTGRES_USER:postgresvolumes:-:/var/lib/postgresql/datanetworks:backend:adminer:image:admi...
$ sudo snap install docker docker 24.0.5 da Canonical✓ è stato installato $ ls -1 docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml OK,but $ docker compose run --rm app ls no configuration file provided: not found :open_mouth: …
docker-compose -v 记住权限 sudo -i 要不就会出现下面这个没有权限的问题 docker-compose up命令要进入到建立的目录里面执行这个命令,如果出现下面的情况,那么执行一个 sudo -i,然后再进入这个目录,执行docker-compose up命令 Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any ...
docker-composeshould finddocker-compose.ymlin the current directory and proceed normally. Current Behavior docker-composedoes not finddocker-compose.yml, even when it’s really there. ERROR: Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any parent. Are you in the right directory...
After saving the profile file, we can apply the changes and reload the shell configuration: $ source ~/.bashrcCopy Once completed, we should verify the Docker Compose installation as discussed previously. 5.2. On Windows On the Windows system, we can modify the PATH environment variable by ...
问题1:no configuration file provided: not found 原因:执行命令的路径没有docker-compose.yml配置文件,切换目录执行或者使用-f参数指定配置文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 报错示例 docker compose restart no configuration file provided: not found 问题2:修改docker compose配置后未生效 原因:通过docker compose ...