docker build -t ruoyi/ruoyi-server:4.1.0 . 1. 2. 这就构建出本地的镜像了。 依次再构建出ruoyi/ruoyi-xxl-job-admin和ruoyi/ruoyi-monitor-admin 2.4执行一次docker-compose up cd到docker-compose.yml工作目录下,执行一次docker-compose up,此时必定会报错。报错如下 意思是不存在,nginx的配置文件。 为什么...
Compose works in all environments; production, staging, development, testing, as well as CI workflows. It also has commands for managing the whole lifecycle of your application: Start, stop, and rebuild services View the status of running services ...
摘自docker 手册上的一段话: ManageDockerasa non-root userThedocker daemon binds to aUnixsocket instead of a TCP port.BydefaultthatUnixsocketisownedbythe user rootandother users can only access itusingsudo.Thedocker daemon always runsasthe root user.Ifyou don’t want tousesudowhenyouusethe d...
该命令相当于docker restart [容器ID/容器名称] sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml restart --help 重新启动容器. Usage: restart [options] [--] [SERVICE...] Options: -t, --timeout TIMEOUT 以秒为单位指定关机超时.(默认: 10) 1、示例 重新启动demo服务。 sudo docker-compose -f docker-...
Try Docker Compose Release notes Docker Hub Find and share container images and other artifacts. Overview Create an account Create a repository Docker Scout Strengthen your software supply chain with Docker Scout. Overview Quickstart Image analysis ...
I am using docker-compose version 2.17.2 on linux ubuntu and I get this error Message: “Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name “/buildx_buildkit_default” is already in use by container “eadcc8e7164bf66…
5.3 docker-compose.yml 5.4 一键部署 #1 容器其他操作 1docker start 容器id 2docker stop 容器id 3docker rm 容器id 4docker rm `docker ps -aq`# 正在运行的容器不能删除 5dockerexec容器id命令 6docker cp 宿主机目录 容器id:容器目录# 目录要存在 ...
docker-compose.yaml命令 docker-compose的命令与docker命令极为相似,用法上没有区别,下面列出它特有的几种命令: up创建并启动容器:docker-compose up -d --scale服务名=数字 --- d表示后台运行,scale是表示对应的服务同时启动几个容器 down停止并删除容器:docker-compose down ---会停掉...
docker_compose docker compose 编排服务Docker Compose 是一个用于定义和运行多个 Docker 容器的工具。通过编写一个 YAML 文件来描述应用的各个服务,并使用 docker-compose 命令来启动、停止和管理这些服务。以下是编排 Docker 服务的常见步骤:创建一个 docker-compose.yml 文件,该文件用于描述你的应用的各个服务。在这...
Accelerate your development by building Docker images locally or in the cloud with Docker Build Cloud. Create multiple containers using Docker Compose without the hassle of local build constraints. Integrate with your existing tools Docker seamlessly integrates with your development tools, such as VS Co...