对于大多数Linux发行版,可以通过包管理器进行Docker的安装。以下是在Debian/Ubuntu系统上安装Docker的示例: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install docker.io 1. 2. 在安装完成后,可以使用以下命令来验证安装是否成功: $ docker --version 1. 在Windows上安装Docker 在Windows上安装Docker需要使用Docker Desktop,该...
RedHat系列的包管理工具是yum,执行 yum install sudo -y 2.Debian系主要有Debian,Ubuntu,Mint等及其衍生版本; Debian系列的包管理工具是apt-get,执行 apt-getupdate apt-getinstall sudo
ping 命令是iputils或iputils-ping包的一部分,它没有安装在这些最小镜像中以保持较小的体积。 How to Fix the Error 要解决-bash: ping:命令 not found错误,您需要在 Docker 容器中安装 ping 命令。根据容器使用的基本镜像,安装步骤略有不同。 For Debian/Ubuntu-based Containers (1) 更新包列表 apt-get upd...
bash: yum: command not found 1. 2. 无yum原因 一些docker容器内是没有这些应用的,需要我们自己安装的 这个容器的系统很可能不是Centos系而是Ubuntu或者其他操作系统,你可以通过命令cat /proc/version查看是否是乌班图系统 系统类别 Linux系统主要有2种分类,常见的有RedHat、Debian: ...
For example, I have installed docker on Debian 11. $ docker compose version Docker Compose version v2.17.2 For more information, see this documentation page on the history of docker compose. In a nutshell, the old docker-compose (Compose V1) was written in Python, and is no longer suppo...
I’m running Armbian (Debian Buster arm64) on an Odroid HC2 (XU4). I installed Docker Compose using the instrux found in the Linux section of the docs install page. I’m logged in as root via SSH. I run the curl command (…
docker 容器 apt-get: not found ,Permission denied 问题产生原因分析 1. 系统不支持 The apt-get command only works on Debian, Ubuntu, and its derivatives. If you are trying to install rpm-based operating systems such as Fedora, RHEL and CentOS, the command will not work. As a result, you...
@cpuguy83is weird because as I said, the debian package doesn't have with/etc/apparmor.d/dockeras a file that's part of the package, and is in fact not installed by it (I also use etckeeper and it autocommits after packages are installed, and the file is not there), but when the...
在基于Debian或Ubuntu的镜像中,可以使用apt-get包管理器来安装vi编辑器。以下是通过Dockerfile安装vi的示例: ```dockerfile FROM ubuntu:latest RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim 1. 2. 3. 4. 在上面的示例中,我们使用了FROM指令来指定基础镜像为最新版本的Ubuntu。然后,在RUN指令中,我们首先更...