Combine thedocker pscommand withgrepto easily check whether a specific container is running by ID or name: docker ps | grep my-container-name Now the output will be filtered to show the container you've selected. There'll be no records if the container isn't running. Stopped containers are...
在Docker中,有时我们可能会遇到尝试进入容器时收到错误消息:’Error response from daemon: Container is not running’。这个错误表明您尝试进入的容器当前没有运行或已经停止。下面是一些解决这个问题的步骤和建议。 1. 检查容器状态 首先,您需要确认容器的状态。使用docker ps命令可以查看正在运行的容器。如果您想查...
--platform API 1.32+ Set platform if server is multi-platform capable --privileged Give extended privileges to this container -p, --publish Publish a container's port(s) to the host -P, --publish-all Publish all exposed ports to random ports --pull missing Pull image before running (alwa...
[ERROR CRI]: unable to check if the container runtime at "/var/run/dockershim.sock" is running: fork/exec /usr/bin/crictl -r /var/run/dockershim.sock info: no such file or directory 1. 解决方法,卸载 cri-tools apt-get remove cri-tools 1. 如果出现如下错误,则等10分钟重试 E: Unable...
I installed Ubuntu 22.04 on windows 10 WSL2, installed docker on top of it and installed gitlab using docker-compose from root. gitlab is running fine, but I can’t see any running containers, so I can’t work on them or …
Description After some time a container becomes unhealthy (because of "containerd: container not found"). The container is running and accessible but it's not possible to "exec" into it. The container is also marked "unhealthy" because t...
Hi, I have a problem. Container doesn’t run. For example the image below, when I try to start server (ubuntu) container and when I execute the ‘docker ps’ command doesn’t show the container running. Status is exited (0) …
docker Container is not running 参考链接: 1、 Container 79b3fa70b51d seems to onlydoan echo. That means it starts, echo and then exits immediately. The next docker exec command wouldn't find it running in ...
theinitprocess of the container is killed manually docker killkills the container Docker daemon restarts which kills all running containers status Thestatusfilter matches containers by status. The possible values for the container status are:
解决docker exec -it提示 no such container的问题,参考文章:Dockerexec出现“fork/exec/proc/self/exe:nosuchfileordirectory”问题可以通过nsenter进入#dockerinspect-f{{.State.Pid}}容器ID6670#nsenter-t6670-m-u-i-n-p