项目服务器启动镜像时候报错 1 Cannot create containerforservice xxx-app: mkdir /xxx/overlay2/xx-init: no space leftondevice 但是前几天刚加的2T磁盘,不应该满了 df -h查了下磁盘还有空间 又查了下索引 df -i ,发现索引节点满了 用命令查了下哪个磁盘占的索引节点多: foriin/xxx/*; do echo $i;...
Cannot create containerforservice ***: cannot mount volume over existing file, file exists /var/lib/docker/overlay2/***/merged/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini 之前的也出现过这种情况,没记录,时间长了也忘了怎么解决了 记录一下,传播一下 我在用docker-compose启动的时候,报这个错 说直白了,原因就在于我们...
启动容器报错: ERROR: for docker-registry_registry_1 Cannot create container for service registry: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/08cf3a625b9612561ed2c3f3d72e57b616b0e0f0bd56357b732463e206d3ebc8-init/merged: invalid argument 这个是因为用的overlay2文件系统,而系统默认...
1 Unable to create docker container 1 Failed to run django app using docker containers 0 Create volume for container running on Azure App Service Linux Hot Network Questions What is the name for this BC-BE back-to-back transistor configuration? why `tcpdump -i any`...
ERROR: for chatbot_rasa-nlu_1 Cannot create container for service rasa-nlu: status code not OK but 500: {“Message”:“Unhandled exception: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))”} ERROR: for action-server Cannot create container for service action-server: ...
$ docker-compose -f test.yml up -d Creating test_a_1 Creating test_b_1 ERROR: for b Cannot create container for service b: invalid port specification: "_ServicePort(target='80', published=None, protocol=None, mode=None, external_ip=None)" ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the...
ERROR: for kibana Cannot create containerfor service kibana: b'invalid port specification: "None"' ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. different error with or without the elk ports remove in docker-compose.yml Recreating wazuhdockermaster_elasticsearch_1 ...
而所属组指的是这个文件属于哪一个用户组。 例如:test的文件的所有者是user0,而test1文件的所有者是user1,那么user1很有可能是不能查看test文件的,相应地,user0也很有可能不能查看test1文件(之所以说的是可能,是因为user0和user1可能属于同一个用户组,而恰好这个用户组对这个两个文件有查看权限)。
ERROR: for registry Cannot create container for service registry: Conflict. The container name "/registry" is already in use by contCreating harbor-adminserver ... done Creating redis ... done ERROR: for registry Cannot create container for service registry: Conflict. The container name "/regist...
done ERROR: for redis Cannot create container for service redis: b'Conflict. The container name "/redis" is already in use Creating harbor-db ... done Creating registry ... done Creating harbor-ui ... done Creating nginx ... done ERROR: for redis Cannot create container for service ...