1、构建镜像 docker build-t myimage:latest. 这会从当前目录读取 Dockerfile 并构建一个名为 myimage:latest 的镜像。 2、指定 Dockerfile 路径 docker build-f/path/to/Dockerfile-t myimage:latest. 这会从 /path/to/ 目录读取 Dockerfile 并构建一个名为 myimage:latest 的镜像。 3、设置构建参数 dock...
Step7/7:EXPOSE8080--->Using cache--->fcf2e206b2e1 Successfully built fcf2e206b2e1 Successfully tagged dockerdemoapplication1:latest 执行完成后,在Docker的image列表中可以看到镜像: 3.2 运行 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker run-p18080:8080--name dockerdemoapplication1 dockerdemoapplication1192:dockerdemo...
It also indicates the default target, which is the target that will be built when you don't specify a target. $ docker buildx build -q --call=targets https://github.com/docker/docs.git TARGET DESCRIPTION base is the base stage with build dependencies node installs Node.js dependencies ...
代码语言:txt 复制 [root@localhost folder]# docker build -t nginx:v1 -t dockerhub.com/nginx:v2 . Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.583kB Step 1/2 : FROM nginx ---> 08b152afcfae Step 2/2 : run echo 123 ---> Using cache ---> 3b636c79fbfa Successfully built 3b636c79fbf...
TheADDinstruction is best for when you need to download a remote artifact as part of your build.ADDis better than manually adding files using something likewgetandtar, because it ensures a more precise build cache.ADDalso has built-in support for checksum validation of the remote resources, and...
EXPOSE 3000 ---> Running in 4a625ce2b11f Removing intermediate container 4a625ce2b11f ---> 4138cc484674 Step 8/8 : CMD ["npm", "run", "build:test"] ---> Running in a12a810f1831 Removing intermediate container a12a810f1831 ---> adb0e298f101 Successfully built adb0e298f101 Successfull...
Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 20.10.16 API version: 1.41 Go version: go1.17.10 Git commit: aa7e414 Built: Thu May 12 09:18:19 2022 OS/Arch: linux/arm64 Context: default Experimental: true Server: Docker Engine - Community Engine: Version: 20.10.16 API version: 1.41 (mini...
Your team can now enjoy quick iterations and efficient resource utilization, elevating productivity to new heights. Docker Build Cloud transforms the building process from a chore into an experience marked by speed and efficiency, ensuring that your projects are not just built but crafted swiftly and...
sudo nsenter -t 3473 -n netstat | grep ESTABLISHED 方式4:使用docker exec进入Docker容器 除了上面几种做法之外,docker在1.3.X版本之后还提供了一个新的命令exec用于进入容器,这种方式相对更简单一些,下面我们来看一下该命令的使用: sudo dockerexec--help ...
Successfully built 324104cde6ad 其中-t 标记来添加 tag,指定新的镜像的用户信息。“.”是 Dockerfile 所在的路径(当前目录),也可以替换为一个具体的 Dockerfile 的路径。 可以看到 build 进程在执行操作。它要做的第一件事情就是上传这个 Dockerfile 内容,因为所有的操作都要依据 Dockerfile 来进行。然后,Dock...