If this flag is unspecified, it defaults to executing the build and evaluating build checks. For Dockerfiles, the available methods are: CommandDescription build (default) Execute the build and evaluate build checks for the current build target. check Evaluate build checks for the either the ...
RUN--mount=type=bind,source=requirements.txt,target=/tmp/requirements.txt\pip install --requirement /tmp/requirements.txt Bind mounts are more efficient thanCOPYfor including files from the build context in the container. Note that bind-mounted files are only added temporarily for a singleRUNinstru...
诸如BUILDPLATFORM和TARGETPLATFORM之类的构建参数会自动在 Dockerfile 中使用,并且可以被作为构建的一部分运行的进程利用。 # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:alpine AS build ARG TARGETPLATFORM ARG BUILDPLATFORM RUN echo "I am running on $BUILDPLATFORM, building for $TARGE...
这里通过 多阶 构建中 别名 及${TARGETARCH} 的方式, 将两个独立 tag 镜像合并成一个。 例如minio/minio 的镜像。 ARG TARGETARCH FROM example.com/alpine:3.12-arm64 as arm64 FROM example.com/alpine:3.12-amd64 as amd64 FROM ${TARGETARCH} docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm...
--build-arg IMAGE=alpine:3.12 \. combine 这里通过多阶构建中别名及${TARGETARCH}的方式, 将两个独立 tag 镜像合并成一个。 例如minio/minio的镜像。 ARGTARGETARCHFROMexample.com/alpine:3.12-arm64 as arm64FROMexample.com/alpine:3.12-amd64 as amd64FROM${TARGETARCH} ...
# Set the stage to debug to use an image with the .NET runtime in itservices:functionappintegrated:build:target:debug 如需使用 Azure Functions 進行驗證的程式碼範例,包括整合式和隔離式案例,請參閱VisualStudioCredentialExample。 容器重複使用
これにより、共有コードが小さくなり、子ステージを分離したままにして、子ステージを分離して、一方が再構築されたときに他のステージのビルドキャッシュが無効にならないようにします。 各ステージは、 を呼び出してdocker buildフラグを使用して--target個別に構築...
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/go \ env GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct \ go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static -w" \ -o /workspace/gin-hello-world # 运行时镜像。 # Alpine兼顾了镜像大小和运维性。 FROM alpine:3.14 EXPOSE 8080 # 方便运维人员安装...
Specifies additional arguments to pass to the Docker client. If using the valuebuildAndPushfor the command parameter, the arguments property is ignored. Example: Using the build command,--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet. ...
For example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 hcl target “binary” { contexts = { app1 = “app1/src” app2 = “app2/src” } } Now instead of remembering to use the --build-context flag with the correct paths every time, you can just call docker buildx bake binary and your build will run ...