[root@localhost docker]# docker build --help Usage: docker build [OPTIONS选项] PATH路径 | URL | - Build an image from a Dockerfile Options: --add-host list Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip) # 添加映射 --build-arg list Set build-time variables # 设置镜像创建时的变量 --cac...
我们使用docker build命令生成 Docker 映像。 假设我们使用之前的 Dockerfile 定义来生成映像。 以下示例演示了 build 命令: Bash复制 docker build -t temp-ubuntu . 下面是生成命令生成的输出结果: 输出复制 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.69MB Step 1/8 : FROM ubuntu:18.04 ---> a2a15febcdf3 ...
#(2)编写完成 Dockerfile 后可以使用 docker build 来生成镜像。 $ sudo docker build -t="ouruser/sinatra:v2". Uploading context2.56kB Uploading context Step0 :FROMubuntu:14.04---> 99ec81b80c55 Step1 :MAINTAINERNewbee <newbee@docker.com> ---> Running in 7c5664a8a0c1 ---> 2fa8ca4e2a13...
Create a new image from a container's changes[root@localhost docker_test]# docker image build #可以简写成docker build"docker image build"requires exactly1argument. See'docker image build --help'. Usage: docker image build [OPTIONS] PATH| URL | -Build an image from a Dockerfile 以centos im...
docker buildx bake docker buildx build docker buildx create docker buildx debug docker buildx du docker buildx imagetools docker buildx inspect docker buildx ls docker buildx prune docker buildx rm docker buildx stop docker buildx use docker buildx version docker checkpoint docker compose...
Usagedocker buildx imagetools create [OPTIONS] [SOURCE] [SOURCE...] Description Create a new manifest list based on source manifests. The source manifests can be manifest lists or single platform distribution manifests and must already exist in the registry where the new manifest is created. ...
build-essential \ zip unzip # === Installs Java 8 === RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk && \ apt-get install -y ant && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \ rm -rf /var/cache/oracle-jdk8-installer && \ curl...
docker pull redis:6.0.15-buster 6.0.15-buster是image在repository中的tag信息;登录repository(https://hub.docker.com)查询image相关信息,确认需要下载image名称和版本信息 docker rmi -f imageid 删除本地镜像 container 启动第一个container [root@k8s-01~]# docker run hello-world ...
我們使用docker build命令來建置 Docker 映像。 假設我們使用稍早的 Dockerfile 定義來建置映像。 以下是顯示組建命令的範例: Bash複製 docker build -t temp-ubuntu . 以下是建置命令所產生的輸出: 輸出複製 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.69MB Step 1/8 : FROM ubuntu:18.04 ---> a2a15febcdf3 ...