因为本机为 Apple M2 芯片,所以使用docker build命令构建镜像默认为arm64平台镜像。构建命令如下: $ docker build -t jianghushinian/echo-platform-arm64 .[+]Building 15.6s(6/6)FINISHED=>[internal]load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s=>=> transferring dockerfile: 94B 0.0s=>[internal]load .do...
Using --check without specifying a target evaluates the entire Dockerfile. If you want to evaluate a specific target, use the --target flag. Call: outline The outline method prints the name of the specified target (or the default target, if --target isn't specified), and the build argume...
Fixed an issue that caused a deadlock seen while using the grpcfuse filesharing option under heavy load. Fixed a bug where Mac-specific admin settings were impacting other platforms. IPv6 address blocks can now be specified in Docker Engine's default-address-pools. Fixed an issue with the va...
1)docker build命令中通过--build-arg =<value>进行指定,若Dockerfile不存在该arg声明,则抛警告。 示例: FROM busybox ARG user1 ARG buildno # 设置默认值 FROM busybox ARG user1=someuser ARG buildno=1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. RUN、ENTRYPOINT和CMD区别 RUN是doc...
build Dockerfile DockerFile:基于DSL(Domain Specific Language)语法,构建Docker镜像 1)本质:通过脚本定义文件和docker bulid命令构建镜像; 2)文件中一行一个命令(每个命令代表一层镜像); 3)文件中的各种命令都必须是大写的 通过Dockerfile上传镜像流程:
Docker 19.03及以上的版本支持docker buildx build命令使用 BuildKit 来构建镜像。通过--platform参数可以支持构建多架构的Docker镜像。 一、新建builder实例 由于Docker默认的builder实例不支持同时指定多个--platform,所以必须先创建一个新的builder实例。使用如下命令: ...
build Build an image from a Dockerfile commit Create a new image from a container's changes cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem create Create a new container diff Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem ...
Dockerfile使用DSL(Domain Specific Language)来构建一个Docker镜像,只要编辑好了Dockerfile文件,就可以使用docker build命令来构建一个新的镜像。 我们先创建一个空文件夹并在文件夹下创建名为Dockerfile的文件。 touch Dockerfile 编辑这个Dockerfile文件添加如下所示的内容。
# By specifying the "7.4.28-apache" tag, it will also use whatever happens to be the # most recent version of that tag when you build your Dockerfile. # If reproducability is important, consider using a specific digest SHA, like # php@sha256:99cede493dfd88720b610eb8077c8688d3cca5000...
build your Dockerfile. # If reproducability is important, consider using a specific digest SHA, like # php@sha256:99cede493dfd88720b610eb8077c8688d3cca50003d76d1d539b0efc8cca72b4. FROM php:7.4.28-apache # Copy app files from the app directory. COPY . /var/www/html # Your PHP ...