docker-buildx-plugin_<version>_<arch>.deb docker-compose-plugin_<version>_<arch>.deb Install the.debpackages. Update the paths in the following example to where you downloaded the Docker packages. $sudo dpkg -i ./containerd.io_<version>_<arch>.deb\./docker-ce_<version>_<arch>.deb \....
Docker executes these commands using the/bin/sh -cinterpreter, which only evaluates the exit code of the last operation in the pipe to determine success. In the example above, this build step succeeds and produces a new image so long as thewc -lcommand succeeds, even if thewgetcommand fail...
其中<command>是要执行的命令,可以是任何有效的Linux命令或Shell命令。可以使用反斜杠(\)将一条命令拆分为多行,或者使用&&连接多个命令,以确保在同一层中执行,从而减少镜像大小。示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 FROMubuntu:20.04RUNapt-getupdate&&apt-getinstall-y \ python3 \ python3-pip \&&rm-rf/var/lib/...
= stop. Container repository.# Commandscommand:'buildAndPush'# 'buildAndPush' | 'build' | 'push' | 'login' | 'logout' | 'start' | 'stop'. Required. Command. Default: buildAndPush.Dockerfile:'**/Dockerfile'# string. Required when command = build || command = buildAndPush. Dockerf...
CMD支持三种格式 CMD [“executable”,”param1”,”param2”] 使用 exec 执行,推荐方式; CMD command param1 param2 在 /bin/sh 中执行,提供给需要交互的应用; CMD [“param1”,”param2”] 提供给 ENTRYPOINT 的默认参数; 指定启动容器时执行的命令,每个 Dockerfile 只能有一条 CMD 命令。如果指定了多条...
RUN <command>exec执行格式: RUN ["executable", "param1", "param2"] 示例: RUN ["executable", "param1", "param2"] RUN apk update RUN ["/etc/execfile", "arg1", "arg1"] 注: RUN指令创建的中间镜像会被缓存,并会在下次构建中使用。如果不想使用这些缓存镜像,可以在构建时指定--no-cache参数...
docker build [OPTIONS] PATH For example, the following command will create an image named "iis." Dockerfile docker build -t iis . When the build process has been initiated, the output will indicate status and return any thrown errors. ...
Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. We handle the tedious setup, so you can focus on the code.
build 指定Dockerfile所在的文件目录路径(可以是绝对路径或相对路径) 需要在docker-compose.yml的路径。 compose 将会利用它自动构建这个镜像,然后使用该镜像。 version: '3' services: webapp: build: ./dir 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 你也可以使用 context 指令指定 Dockerfile 所在文件夹的路径。
While DockerSlim is capable of more, at the moment, the majority of the examples illustrate the image minification procedure usingdocker-slim buildcommand in its various modes. A typical example has aREADMEfile describing its purpose and basic usage. Normally, there is also aMakefilewith thedefa...