--env-file=[] Read in a line delimited file of ENV variables # 从指定文件读取变量值 --expose=[] Expose a port from the container without publishing it to your host # 指定对外提供服务端口 -h, --hostname="" Container host name # 设置容器主机名 -i, --interactive=false Keep stdin open...
Step 3/8 : CMD service nginx start ---> Using cache ---> ce3fd40bd13c Step 4/8 : COPY ./default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default ---> 97ff0c042b03 Step 5/8 : WORKDIR /app ---> Running in 883f8dc5dcce Removing intermediate container 883f8dc5dcce ---> 6e36758d40b1 ...
$docker build --no-cache -t my-image:my-tag . The following Dockerfile uses the24.04tag of theubuntuimage. Over time, that tag may resolve to a different underlying version of theubuntuimage, as the publisher rebuilds the image with new security patches and updated libraries. Using the--...
Added support for containerizing a Java server Various fixes on Windows Builder settings: You can now refresh storage data for your builder at any point in time. You can now delete the build history for a builder. Builds view: An error message is now shown when a build record cannot be ...
ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStep 构造函数 属性 参数 DockerFilePath ImageNames IsPushEnabled NoCache 目标 ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStepUpdateContent ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskRunContent ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStep ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStepUpdateContent ...
BUILDER=$(docker buildx create --driver=docker-container --use)docker buildx build \ --no-cache \ --progress=plain \ -<<EOFFROM alpineRUN env | grep -i _PROXYRUN apk add curlRUN curl -I http://google.comEOFdocker buildx rm${BUILDER} ...
docker restart XXXXXXX Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container XXXXXXX: container "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX": already exists 原因:旧容器未安全退出 解决方式:docker-containerd-ctr --address /run/docker/containerd/docker-containerd.sock --namespace c rm <容器hash_id> ...
You cannot directly modify a Docker image. Instead, create a new image without the unwanted files. Here’s how: Start and login inside the container from the image: dockerrun-it<image-id>/bin/bash Copy Now, remove files within the container as needed. ...
build: context: /home/yhm/myserver/test/ubuntu dockerfile: Dockerfile args: GROUP_ID: "1000" USERNAME_ID: "1000" container_name: mytest-001 environment: SYNC_GROUP: yhm SYNC_USERNAME: yhm image: mytest:001 networks: default: null privileged: true stdin_open: true tt...
We recommend using this repository as a template for your first Mod, so in this section we assume the code is finished and we will only concentrate on plugging into GitHub Actions/GitHub Container Registry. The only code change you need to make to the build logic file.github/workflows/Build...