$ docker buildx build -t TAG --annotation "index,manifest,manifest-descriptor:foo=bar" --push . You can also specify a platform qualifier in square brackets ([os/arch]) in the type prefix, to apply the annotation to a subset of manifests with the matching platform. The following exampl...
Compose Bridge command line option is now available via Experimental features. When enabled, run compose-bridge to convert your Compose configuration to Kubernetes resources. Builds view: Added build checks to the build details' Source tab. Added build tags to the build details' Info tab under the...
buildImageCmd.withTag(this.getDockerImageName()); } 代码示例来源:origin: SINTEF-9012/cloudml publicvoidBuildImageFromDockerFile(Stringpath,Stringtag){ FilebaseDir=newFile(path); InputStreamresponse=dockerClient.buildImageCmd(baseDir) .withNoCache() .withTag(tag) .exec(); StringWriterlogwriter=new...
docker inspect NAME|ID [NAME|ID…] 获取容器/镜像的元数据,查看容器内部细节 docker exec -it CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG…] 进入正在运行的容器并以命令行交互 #eg:进入容器mynginx交互 可以通过exit命令退出或者ctrl+P+Q退出 C:\Users\sunshine>docker exec -it mynginx /bin/bash root@eb73b51c2c9d:/# ...
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. [root@ncayu8847 docker]# docker buildx -h Flag shorthand -h has been deprecated, please use --help Usage: docker buildx [OPTIONS] COMMAND Extended build capabilities with BuildKit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | - OPTIONS说明: --build-arg=[] :设置镜像创建时的变量; --cpu-shares :设置 cpu 使用权重; --cpu-period :限制 CPU CFS周期; --cpu-quota:限制 CPU CFS配额; --cpuset-cpus :指定使用的CPU id;
ENTRYPOINT["executable","param1","param2"]ENTRYPOINTcommand param1 param2 ENTRYPOINT 与 CMD 非常类似,不同的是通过docker run执行的命令不会覆盖 ENTRYPOINT,而docker run命令中指定的任何参数,都会被当做参数再次传递给 ENTRYPOINT。Dockerfile 中只允许有一个 ENTRY...
tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE Run'docker image COMMAND --help'formoreinformation on acommand. [root@node1 ~]# 提示:build子命令是基于dockerfile来构建镜像;history:显示镜像的历史制作过程;import:从tarball导入内容以创建文件系统镜像;inspect:显示镜像的详细信息;load:指定本地...
#进入目录d:&&cd d:\docker\helloworld #编译镜像(默认为latest)(注意结尾一定要加.) docker build-t helloworld.#编译指定版本镜像(注意结尾一定要加.) docker build-t helloworld:1.0.#查看本地镜像 docker images #镜像列表REPOSITORYTAGIMAGEIDCREATEDSIZEhelloworld1.0c56b0d613f1a1minutes ago 992MB helloworld...
Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. We handle the tedious setup, so you can focus on the code.