下载bind_exporter curl-s https://api.github.com/repos/prometheus-community/bind_exporter/releases/latest|grep browser_download_url|grep linux-amd64|cut-d'"'-f4|wget-qi-解压&移动 tar xvf bind_exporter*.tar.gz sudo mv bind_exporter-*/bind_exporter/usr/local/bin 新增bind9配置并重启(centos)s...
1.下载镜像(主机dns200) docker pull sameersbn/bind:9.16.1-20200524 1. 2.启动容器(主机dns200) 参数说明: 启动命令: docker run -d \ --name bind9 \ --publish 53:53/tcp \ --publish 53:53/udp \ --publish 10000:10000/tcp \ --volume /usr/local/docker/bind:/data \ --env ROOT_PASSWO...
links: 详细参见:https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-bind 使用教程:http://www.damagehead.com/blog/2015/04/28/deploying-a-dns-server-using-docker/
Bind Docker Available Architectures:amd64,i386,arm64,arm/v7,arm/v6,ppc64le,s390x,mips64le Bind caching DNS server based on Alpine and Debian slim with support for DNS forwarders, infinite wild-card DNS, infinite extra hosts, reverse DNS, DNSSEC timing settings and others. ...
这里我们使用--net 指定我们刚刚创建的macvlan网络,使用--ip指定一个IP地址 打开浏览器:,输入默认的用户名:root,密码:password,点击左则菜单的Servers,就可以看到我们的DNS服务器已经运行起来了。 BIND DNS Server
Servers → BIND DNS Server → Existing DNS Zones → dev Address中添加DNS记录 Name: a,Address:,点击Create,会自动添加并更新逆向地址记录 按需添加其他DNS记录 可能需要重启容器才会是新添加的DNS记录生效 Servers → BIND DNS Server → Existing DNS Zones → dev→ Name Server确认存在域名服务...
Here is the simplest form you can use to set up a temporary DNS server: docker run -p 8090:8090 -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp conceptant/bind9-namedmanager It will take a few moments to start and generate default configuration, and then you start configuring it using this URL:http://...
服务器->BIND DNS Server->创建新的主区域 现有DNS区域->地址->新增记录,可以使用通配符解析,新建后应用配置生效 添加配置后记得应用配置 本机设置 dns192.168.123.214以及114.114.114.114(不然无法访问其他网站) 验证dns,正常ping test.com 的IP是存在的,现在就被解析到我们自己的dns了 ...
Bind mounts are now shown when you inspect a container. You can now download Wasm runtimes when the containerd image store is enabled. With Quick Search, you can now: Find any container or Compose app residing on your local system. In addition, you can access environment variables and perform...
刷新服务 {代码...} 修改配置文件新版本 配置文件 大致结构发生了一些改变 {代码...} 从 114 缓存 查询 数据 {代码...} 可以 dig 无法 ping {代码...} 查看 ...