Docker制作Base Image Base Image:基于系统的基础镜像 1、编辑Dockerfile vi Dockerfile 2、写入一下内容 FROMubuntuCMDecho"hello docker" 3、编译镜像 docker build -t guhaohao/hello-world . 4、查看编译后的镜像 docker imagels 5、运行镜像,成为一个容器 dockerrunguhaohao/hello-word 6、可以直接拉取官方镜...
如果2 个 image 都是基于 Ubuntu,那么两个 Image 可以共用 Ubuntu 的 base image,只需要存储一份; 如果pull 新的 image,某一层如果已经存在,那么这一层之前的内容其实就不需要 pull 了; 后面build image 的技巧其实都是基于这两点。 另外稍微提一下,Docker image其实就是一个 tar 包。一般来说我们通过Docker...
Why use baseimage-docker? You can configure the stockubuntuimage yourself from your Dockerfile, so why bother using baseimage-docker? Configuring the base system for Docker-friendliness is no easy task. As stated before, there are many corner cases. By the time that you've gotten all that ...
root@ubuntu:/home/thm/docker/test#docker run -t -i tanghuimin0713/ubuntu_amd64_apache2:14.04 /bin/bashWARNING: Local ( DNS resolver foundinresolv.conf and containers can't use it. Using default external servers : []root@081572d422c7:/# root@081572d422c7:/# ...
docker Image的创建一般有三种办法,以某个已经存在的docker image为base,在容器内部修改为自己的目标容器然后export保存;或者用docker file 创建docker image 1 用已有容器做base 创建 有时候用docker file创建一个docker image太麻烦了,可以用Ubuntu做一个base,相当于一个OS,命令为 docker pull Ubuntu:XXX (xxx为ub...
download ubuntu base image: sudo docker pull image ubuntu:18.04 step3: run the image with following params: -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ #共享本地unix端口 -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \ #修改环境变量DISPLAY -e GDK_SCALE \ #我觉得这两个是与显示效果相关的环境变量,没有细究 ...
Develop: Update Dockerfiles for upcoming Ubuntu 24.04 base image#4084 b334b44 lastzero changed the titleDevelop: Upgrade base image to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)Docker: Upgrade base image to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)on May 15, 2024 ...
For example, to create an Ubuntu base image: $ sudo debootstrap focal focal > /dev/null$ sudo tar -C focal -c .|docker import - focalsha256:81ec9a55a92a5618161f68ae691d092bf14d700129093158297b3d01593f4ee3$ docker run focal cat /etc/lsb-releaseDISTRIB_ID=UbuntuDISTRIB_RELEASE=20.04DIST...
For example, to create an Ubuntu base image: $ sudo debootstrap focal focal > /dev/null$ sudo tar -C focal -c .|docker import - focalsha256:81ec9a55a92a5618161f68ae691d092bf14d700129093158297b3d01593f4ee3$ docker run focal cat /etc/lsb-releaseDISTRIB_ID=UbuntuDISTRIB_RELEASE=20.04DIST...