Goal of this document is to provide steps to take backup (snapshot) of docker Container and restore it.Please note that this document mainly discuss about committing a container as image. This works on container that do not use data volume.For containers with data volume, backup of the data...
运行下面的mongorestore命令,将从/data/backup/test导出的数据恢复到testrestore数据库。mongorestore --db testrestore /data/backup/test/data/backup/test目录数据被恢复到testrestore数据库中,如图 5-28 所示。图5-28。Restoring a Database使用以下命令连接到 MongoDB shell。mongo localhost:27017/testrestoreMongo...
New interactive Compose CLI (experimental). Beta release of: Air-Gapped Containers with Settings Management. Host networking in Docker Desktop. Docker Debug for running containers. Volumes Backup & Share extension functionality available in the Volumes tab. ...
$docker volume create\--driver local \--opt type=cifs \--opt device=//uxxxxx.your-server.de/backup \--opt o=addr=uxxxxx.your-server.de,username=uxxxxxxx,password=***,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 \--name cif-volume Theaddroption is required if you specify a hostname instead of an...
logfile_backups=10 ; # 轮循日志备份10个 loglevel=info ; # 日志等级记录info的 pidfile=/tmp/supervisord.pid ;pid nodaemon=true ; # 在前台启动 minfds=102400 ; #文件描述符限制 minprocs=2000 ; # 进程数 [rpcinterface:supervisor] supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_mai...
gfile=/tmp/supervisord.log ;# 日志logfile_maxbytes=50MB ;# 最大50M日志logfile_backups=10 ;# 轮循日志备份10个loglevel=info ;# 日志等级记录info的pidfile=/tmp/supervisord.pid ;pid nodaemon=true;# 在前台启动minfds=102400 ;# 文件描述符限制minprocs=2000 ;# 进程数[rpcinterface:supervisor] ...
使用nginx基础镜像新建一个临时的容器(不放入后台运行),数据共享容器nginxback的数据卷webdata(作用是将web.tar文件数据恢复至数据卷webdata),并且-v 指定将本机的/root/test目录挂载到临时容器的/backup目录,所以直接执行恢复命令将临时容器的/backup目录下名为web.tar的备份文件恢复至nginxback容器的数据卷webdat...
This will remove: - all stopped containers - all networks not used by at least one container - all dangling images - all dangling build cache Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y Deleted Networks: tinywan-fastgpt_fastgpt Deleted Images: deleted: sha256:ef4a886609a086d9b686bcd68a...
[y/N] y Deleted Containers: 3673f14ae07a660a437d615eaca1aeb012673233010d5e7e0cbc0d30c7e601f0 Total reclaimed space: 8B # 删空白卷 [root@localhost ~]# docker volume prune WARNING! This will remove all local volumes not used by at least one container. Are you sure you want to continue...
Docker Kubernetesprovides built-in Kubernetes support within Docker Desktop, allowing you to orchestrate and manage containers efficiently. Supporting both multi-node clusters and developer-selected versions, Docker Kubernetes simplifies deploying, scaling, testing, and managing containerized applications locally...