使用Docker已有一段时间了,今天正好有空梳理下自己平时操作Docker时的一些命令和注意细节: Docker 命令帮助 $ sudo docker Commands: attach Attach to a running container --将终端依附到容器上 1> 运行一个交互型容器
另外,我只测试了我自己的环境,没有在云实例之类的环境里测试过,但是我很想知道在那里是否适用。 原文链接:Attach a volume to a container while it is running(翻译:崔婧雯 校对:李颖杰) === 译者介绍 崔婧雯,现就职于VMware,高级软件工程师,负责桌面虚拟化产品的质量保证工作。曾在IBM WebSphere业务流程管理...
create Create a new container 创建一个新的容器 diff Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem 差异 检查文件或目录在容器的文件系统的变化 events Get real time events from the server 事件从服务器获取实时事件 exec Run a command in a running container 执行 不进入容器中运...
If you're running multiple containers that need to communicate with each other, you can create a custom network and attach the containers to the network. When multiple containers are attached to the same custom network, they can communicate with each other using the container names as a DNS ...
参考文档: Introduction to Linux namespaces – Part 3: PID mnt namespace 类似chroot,将一个进程放到一个特定的目录执行。mnt namespace 允许不同 namespace 的进程看到的文件结构不同,这样每个 namespace 中的进程所看到的文件目录就被隔离开了。同 chroot 不同,每个 namespace 中的 container 在 /proc/mount...
attach Attach to a running container # 当前 shell 下 attach 连接指定运行镜像 build Build an im from a Docker registry server # 从当前 Docker registry 退出 logs Fetch the logs of a container # 输出当前容器日志信息 port Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT # 查看映...
--annotation API 1.43+ Add an annotation to the container (passed through to the OCI runtime) -a, --attach Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR --blkio-weight Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000, or 0 to disable (default 0) --blkio-weight-device Block IO weight (relative...
新调度 Pod 的容器一直处于 Created 状态是我们在 Docker 版本为 18.09.9 的环境遇到的新现象。针对该现象入手,我们在 Docker 栈中发现多个阻塞在包含github.com/docker/docker/daemon.(*Daemon).ContainerCreate函数的 Goroutine,并且阻塞的原因是semacquire。其中一个 Goroutine 内容如下: ...
Commands:# attach Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running containerbuild Build an image from a Dockerfile# commit Create a new image from a container changes# cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem# create Create a new container# diff ...
- containerID: docker://de6d3812bfc8b6bef915d663c3d0e0cf5b3f95a41c2a98c867a1376dbccd30d3 lastState: {} name: docker-image ready: false restartCount: 0 state: running: startedAt: "2020-09-17T06:59:30Z" hostIP: phase: Running podIP: qosClass: Guarante...