# Add the repository to Apt sources:echo\"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \$(. /etc/os-release &&echo"$VERSION_CODENAME") stable"| \sudotee/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/nullsudoap...
国内外厂商均已开始了全面拥抱Kubernetes的转型, 无数中小型企业已经落地 Kubernetes,或正走落地的道路上 。基于目前的发展趋势可以预见,未来几年以kubernetes平台为核心的容器运维管理、DevOps等将迎来全面的发展。 本着实践为核心的思想,本课程使用企业常见的基于Django + uwsgi + Nginx架构的Python Demo项目,分别讲述...
image This course covers all the fundamentals about Docker software and teach you everything you need to know about developing and deploying modern applications with Docker software.In the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Docker software and general DevOps skills to help...
Docker Tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to all Docker concepts, helping beginners quickly understand its architecture, installation, and commands.
docker build docker manifest Building Multi-Architecture Docker Images With Buildx 发布于 2023-07-10 21:51 赞同1添加评论 分享收藏喜欢收起匿名用户 1 人赞同了该回答 commit会把正在运行着的容器所有的东西都包含进去,通常会比较大。 dockfile制作的是一个镜像可能代码文件啥的都...
本內容節錄自《容器化 .NET 應用程式的 .NET 微服務架構》(.NET Microservices Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications) 電子書,可以在 .NET Docs 上取得,或免費下載可供離線閱讀的 PDF。 下載PDF 應用程式開發生命週期開始於您以開發人員身分使用的電腦,您會在電腦上使用慣用語言...
1.4、DevOps(开发、运维) 应用更快速的交付和部署 传统:一对帮助文档,安装程序。 Docker:打包镜像发布测试一键运行。 更便捷的升级和扩缩容 使用了 Docker之后,我们部署应用就和搭积木一样 项目打包为一个镜像,扩展服务器A!服务器B 更简单的系统运维
Exploring architecture Preparing your environment Building datastore Creating an overlay network Configuring master Configuring nodes Run your first container in Kubernetes Chapter 2. Walking through Kubernetes Concepts Introduction An overview of Kubernetes control Working with pods Working with a replication co...
athena - An automation platform with a plugin architecture that allows you to easily create and share services. blimp 💀 - Uses Docker Machine to easily move a container from one Docker host to another, show containers running against all of your hosts, replicate a container across multiple ho...
open-liberty Open Liberty multi-architecture images based… 57 [OK] neurodebian NeuroDebian provides neuroscience research s… 98 [OK] ubuntu-debootstrap DEPRECATED; use"ubuntu"instead 50 [OK] ... 在OFFICIAL栏中,OK表示由项目背后的公司构建和支持的镜像。 确定要使用的镜像后,您可以使用pull子命令将其...