报错内容::“A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error...
Request id"0HLM4DDINAGJC:00000001":An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.SqlSugar.UtilExceptions:English Message:Connection open error.Anetwork-related or instance-specific error occurredwhileestablishing
Chrome Remote Desktop can be used in one of two ways – to offer remote assistance to someone or to take remote control of another computer of your own. Click the ‘Get started’ button in the My Computers section. Click the ‘Enable remote connections’ button Chrome远程桌面可以通过以下两种...
4,重新加载配置文件,重启docker进程 systemctl daemon-reload service docker restart 5,测试 将cert.pem,key.pem这两个文件复制到测试机上, curl中-k的意思是Allow connections to SSL sites without certs,不验证证书 curl -k https://docker服务器IP:2375/info --cert ./cert.pem --key ./key.pem 6,能...
If the latest version is not yet available to you, allow some time — updates typically become available within a week of the release date. Docker Desktop versions older than 6 months from the latest release are not available for download. Previous release notes are available in our ...
Since TLS connections can be made through IP address as well as DNS name, the IP addresses need to be specified when creating the certificate. For example, to allow connections using10.10.10.20and127.0.0.1: $echosubjectAltName=DNS:$HOST,IP:,IP: >> extfile.cnf ...
From the remote host? That’s impossible. It is a bad practive to access a container by its internal ip. This is the reasony why no one actualy cares about the internal ips. You would need to manipulate the route for the network of your ...
-d172.16.42.0/24-jMASQUERADE# Accept incoming packetsforexisting connections iptables-AFORWARD-o docker0-m conntrack--ctstateRELATED,ESTABLISHED-jACCEPT# Accept all non-intercontainer outgoing packets iptables-AFORWARD-i docker0!-o docker0-jACCEPT# Bydefaultallow all outgoing traffic...
Remote:Docker网络插件的实现,可以借助Libnetwork实现网络自己的网络插件; None:模式是最简单的网络模式,它会使得Docker容器完全隔离,无法访问外部网络。在None模式下,容器不会被分配IP地址,也无法与其他容器和主机通信,可以尝试执行docker run --net=none centos:7 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081,然后curl xxx.com应...
docker-client 💀 - Java client for the Docker remote API. By @spotify docker-controller-bot - Telegram bot to control docker containers. By @dgongut docker-it-scala - Docker integration testing kit with Scala by @whisklabs docker-java-api - Lightweight, truly object-oriented, Java client...