Temporarily tag a container or an image, trigger an event and have a monitoring process watching on a particular tag do something with this container: migrate/stop/exec/re-schedule or whatever, and finally remove the label. Or just store arbitrary metadata that might be useful for an applicatio...
idContainer's ID nameContainer's name labelAn arbitrary string representing either a key or a key-value pair. Expressed as<key>or<key>=<value> exitedAn integer representing the container's exit code. Only useful with--all. statusOne ofcreated,restarting,running,removing,paused,exited, ordead...
(default true) --ipv6 Enable IPv6 networking for the default bridge network --label list Set key=value labels to the daemon --live-restore Enable live restore of docker when containers are still running --log-driver string Default driver for container logs (default "json-file") --log-...
Kubernetes中任意API对象都是通过Label进行标识,Label的实质是一系列的Key/Value键值对,其中key于value由用户自己指定。Label可以附加在各种资源对象上,如Node、Pod、Service、RC等,一个资源对象可以定义任意数量的Label,同一个Label也可以被添加到任意数量的资源对象上去。Label是Replication Controller和Service运行的基础,...
attach Attach to a running container --将终端依附到容器上 1> 运行一个交互型容器 [root@localhost ~]# docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash [root@f0a02b473067 /]# 2> 在另一个窗口上查看该容器的状态 [root@localhost ~]# docker ps -a ...
ADD hello / CMD ["/hello"] 1. 2. 3. ARG Dockerfile中的ARG指令用以定义构建镜像时需要的参数。 格式 ARG <name>[=<default value>] 1. ARG指令定义了一个参数,用户可以通过docker build命令的--build-arg <varname>=<value>选项将其值传递给构建...
For more detailed information about theADDinstruction, see theADD reference. WORKDIR TheWORKDIRinstruction sets a working directory for other Dockerfile instructions, such asRUN,CMD, and also the working directory for running instances of the container image. ...
Switch to the Services tool window to preview the container details. Expand the Containers node and select the running container. Note that the Log tab contains the same execution result. Debugging your application in a Docker container Next, let's debug the application. For that, let's pu...
通过运行hello-world镜像来验证Docker Engine是否已正确安装。 2.2 命令执行流程图 docker run hello-world命令执行流程图如下。 三、镜像相关命令及其基本操作 官方文档:https://docs.docker.com/reference/ 3.1 登录私有镜像仓库 命令格式:docker login [选项] [镜像仓库URL] ...
And start docker inside the container: $ dockerd --debug --iptables=false --live-restore Version that is running is (Docker CE; don't have EE at hand): Client: Version: 17.03.2-ce API version: 1.27 Go version: go1.7.5 Git commit: f5ec1e2 Built: Tue Jun 27 01:35:00 2017 OS/...