虚拟化:必须开放基于Inter VT或者 AMD/V选项: 安装Docker for Windows: Docker for Windows 需要 WSL 2支持,需要先安装WSL,安装完之后需要重启生效。 然后安装WSL 2升级包: 升级完之后,就可以开始安装Docker Desktop了: 安装完成之后需要重启操作系统才能生效。 系统启动需要一段时间,等看到这个界面,就说明Docker服务...
因为Docker Desktop在Windows的表现中将会因为文件映射而造成性能极低,这将会对于jupyter、npm等需要文件映射到本地磁盘的镜像将会在性能上大打折扣。于是,总是因为各种问题重启的Windows Server服务器中的Windows Docker Desktop也将会因为映射而重启速度极慢。 如果你是本地运行Docker Desktop,也将会因为Docker很长时间没...
Check out the best dock for Windows 10 and 11 that will clean out the clutter of the desktop for users who deal with different apps and software.
m1 下载docke desktop 汉化 m1版windows 在M芯片上使用parallels desktop安装arm版本Windows 10总是会提示“立即安装新的Windows内部版本”,“此Windows内部版本已经过期;你应该尽快迁移到新的内部版本。请联机查看详细信息”是不是很烦人呢,今天为大家带来使用方法,需要的朋友可以按照这个教程解决。 点击屏幕下方的文件夹...
注意:如果在 Docker Desktop for Mac 或 Docker Desktop for Windows 中使用 Docker,可以在 Docker Desktop 的设置中进行镜像加速器的配置,不需要手动编辑配置文件。 Windows/Mac 以在Windows 上配置 Docker 国内镜像为例,按照以下步骤进行: 打开Docker 设置。可以在任务栏右下角找到 Docker 图标,右键单击该图标,然后...
OBJECT DESKTOP ¥386.99 1 Year Subscription Get it Now Object Desktop is a powerful suite of desktop enhancements that transforms your Windows experience. It's like getting the next version of Windows today. Ideal for users who want access to our best software, with multiple activations, all for...
OBJECT DESKTOP ¥386.99 1 Year Subscription Get it Now Object Desktop is a powerful suite of desktop enhancements that transforms your Windows experience. It's like getting the next version of Windows today. Ideal for users who want access to our best software, with multiple activations, all for...
OBJECT DESKTOP ¥384.99¥288.74 1 Year Subscription Get it Now Object Desktop is a powerful suite of desktop enhancements that transforms your Windows experience. It's like getting the next version of Windows today. Ideal for users who want access to our best software, with multiple activations,...
Winstep Nexus Dock is one of the many desktop customising utilities available for Windows. In the case of Nexus Dock, the aim is to link key applications together in a handy Mac-inspired dock feature, making them easier to access and use. ...
When you fire up a Mac, the first thing you see is thedesktop—the great-great-grandchild of the original Mac’s home-base screen that changed the world in 1984. There’s the Dock, full of colorful icons on a see-through shelf. There are those Finder windows, slick and textureless wi...