LaTeX: Revamp the styling of all admonitions (#12508) Jul 14, 2024 package-lock.json Bump the npm group (#13042) Oct 20, 2024 package.json Migrate JavaScript tests from Karma to the Jasmine framework (#12754) Aug 10, 2024 pyproject.toml ...
此轉換器用於將 LaTeX 表格 轉換為 AsciiDoc 表格,也可以通過在線表格編輯器輕鬆的創建和生成 AsciiDoc 表格
raise RuntimeError(format("[ERROR] status code: %d, body: %s" % (res.status_code, res.text))) uuid = res_json[0]['uuid'] to = "latex" # latex, md, docx url = ""+"?request_id="+uuid+"&to="+to res = requests.get(url, headers...
My machine > > shows me five options to export to LaTeX but I don't think this depends > > on the operating system you are using. > > > > Axel Please don't top-post to keep the thread. As the tutorial tells you: "Select File->Export->LaTeX. This will create a file whatever....
Converting LaTeX, MathML, or OMML strings to math objects using docx.js. Latest version: 1.1.2, last published: 5 months ago. Start using @seewo-doc/docx-math-converter in your project by running `npm i @seewo-doc/docx-math-converter`. There are no other
source files. Use the Makefile to build the docs, like so: make builderwhere"builder"isone of the supported builders, e.g. html, latex or linkcheck. django结合sphinx的 # -*- coding: utf-8-*-# # Configuration fileforthe Sphinx documentation builder. ...
Latex inline mode. \\( ... )\\ Syntax: \\( Y = X * \textbf{dequantize}(W); \text{quantize}(W) )\\ Example: here Code Blocks Code blocks are written using a regular markdown syntax ```. However, there is a special flag you can put in your mdx files to change the wrapping...
加上这个字符串之后,使用make html重新编译web页面,有一定的概率你的网站已经正确地把LaTeX公式渲染出来了。 为什么说一定概率,是因为后面我们会接触一个配置项mathjax_path,如果你根本不在conf.py里面加上这个配置变量,那么sphinx应当会直接从公网上下载我们需要的MathJax.js文件。如下图所示,这是用浏览器F12检视的...
\end{latex} 另外,国标的数学样式与 AMS 还有些差异,但无法在模板中统一设置。用户需要在写作时进行处理。 \begin{enumerate} \item 数学常数和特殊函数名用正体,如 $\uppi = 3.14\dots$;$\symup{i}^2 = -1$; $\symup{e} = \lim_{n \to \infty} \left( 1 + \frac{1}{n} \right...
Compile spec documents written in Gherkin language to JSON, XLSX, or LaTeX. Latest version: 1.3.1, last published: 2 years ago. Start using picklesdoc in your project by running `npm i picklesdoc`. There are 17 other projects in the npm registry using pi