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ARelieved.BAnxious.CShocked.DAngry.2、What does the author indicate by the underlined sentence in Para. 2?AThey were short of food supplies.BTheir freezer was not frequently used.CThey were glad to pu 33、t the turkey in the freezer.DTheir freezer was too small to fill much food in.3...
Download PDF When you’re testing endpoints with different parameters, you can use one of the many GUI REST clients available to make the requests. (By “GUI,” I mean there’s a graphical user interface with boxes and buttons for you to click.) You can also usecurl(which we’ll cover...
1.Virtueis,indeedmustbe,self-centered.(para4) 正确的行动是,确实也必须是以自我为中心的。 Byrightaction,wemeanitmusthelppromotepersonalinterest. 2.Theessentialsarefamiliar:thepovertyofthepoorwasthefaultofthepoor.Anditwas becauseitwasproductoftheirexcessivefecundity・・・..(para5) 他的基本观点为人...
25.WhatcanwelearnabouttheauthorfromPara.4? A.Sheoftenquarreledwithhersiblingsinchildhood. B.Shebecamestrongerafterherfatherpassedaway. C.Herupbringingenvironmentgreatlyinfluencedher. D.Herlongtimeofreadinghelpedheroutoffeelingbad. 26.Whatcausedtheauthortoquitherobsession?
Para.3C.ThehorseracesandtheridersattheNaadamFestival. Para.4D.ManypeopleattendedtheNaadamFestival. Para.5E.Theauthorssatisfactionwiththisexperienceandlongingforanotherinvitation. 答案:Para.1-5BDACE 二、细读文章并选出最佳答案 1.WhatcanweknowaboutMongolianwrestling?A A.Ithaslittleincommonwiththewrestlinginth...
01defdemo(*para): 02avg=sum(para)/len(para) 03g=[iforiinparaifiavg] 04returnavg+tuple(g) A、 1行*para改成para B、 2行/改成* C、 4行改成return(avg,)+tuple(g) D、 没有错误 【正确答案】:C 10.以下哪条语句定义了一个Python字典 ...
him about my regrets and fears, and I asked him to answer, if he felt like it, and to share something about himself, something that would give me much-needed perspective on my life, especially on relationship and career. Para 1: Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box...