I looked on both the kink website and the Doc Johnson site and there wasn’t any RPM info on there (but the incorrect speed information still there, heh). Randomly found out that some toy makers keep the RPMs a secret because … I don’t know why… but theres gotta be some conspirac...
T Tom Johnson 1 point 7 years ago Hi Echo, I know tech writing might be developing as a discipline in China, but it's making strides. I believe a recent tech comm conference (tcworld) was held there. Seems like there's a lot of opportunity given the technical talent in China.Commento...
Samuel Jonson传记,自传题材的兴盛,一个叫Johnson的作家,很喜欢写平凡人的传记喜欢写真实反应人生活的内容。 Lecture 5【人类学】 北美和格林兰岛的Dorset & Thule 两个北方的族群,一个灭绝了,一个从东边迁移过去的没灭绝。灭绝的那个D人会做雪屋,看有啥材料...
2024年初中英语中考试卷(含答案).doc,PAGE PAGE 10 英语试卷 一、单项选择 (共15小题;每题l分,总分值15分) 1. Mr. Johnson is ▲ UNICEF worker and UNICEF is ▲ part of the United Nations. A. a, / B. a, the C. an, a D. an, / — I dont know how to use my new ins
And this, really, is only one approach. Surely there could be others, but after hearing about Johnson’s role, Shane Black’s written and directorial enthusiasm, it’s a start in one positioning. Where that leads, plays here: You might have some thoughts, as a brand strategist or designe...
Netflix’s “Dick Johnson Is Dead” is a profound and deeply personal portrait of the director Kirsten Johnson’s examination of her father, Richard Johnson (lovingly known as “Dick”), a retired clinical psychiatrist who is suffering from dementia and his inevitable end. Beginning as an atte...
packagemainimport("log""net/http")funcmain() {http.HandleFunc("/",websiteHandler)srv:=&http.Server{Addr:"example.com:443",ACMEServer:http.LetsEncrypt,// non-empty enables autocert supportACMEAgreeTOS:func(tosURLstring)bool{returntrue},ACMEEmail:"foo@bar.com",// (but optional)}log.Fatal...
2018-11-20 - 3 commits by Szczepan Faber (2), Walter Johnson (1) - published to Allow delegating to non-public methods for AdditionalAnswers#delegatesTo (#1536)2.23.32018-11-19 - 3 commits by Szczepan Faber - published to Added 'lenient' annotation toggle (#1523)...