一年后的今天,在烫头发和剪头发之间反复纠结[泪]我尊嘟好想念我的卷发,但我又好想剪掉我的头发[泪]好纠结好纠结【转发】@DobbywillbeFree:真的很喜欢被夸夸 昨天去烫了一头卷儿 从烫完头开始妈妈和好朋友就一...
“Dobby is free”“Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter ”是全世界最好的多比[泪][泪]
Do you think it will snow? Do you think it's going to rain? Do you think it's going to snow? Do you think there will be a storm? Do you think there'll be a storm? Do you understand? do. DOA doab doable Do-all Doand
and I knew: We will go for another time we can see,for another time we'll be free,for no more farewell.No farewell could be the last one.
《哈利波特》经典台词中英对照是:1、他绝不会走,只要留下来的那些人还忠于他!翻译:Hell never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!2、我们希望我们的波特先生总是能够扭转乾坤。放心吧,我会的!翻译:Mr.Potter will always be around to save the dead.——Don’...
"Dobby will do it, Harry Potter. Dobby would be honored to help Harry Potter!" —Dobby's willigness to help his friend Harry Potter[src] In1996, Dobby had a fight with another house-elf,Kreacherafter Kreacher insulted Harry.[11]In1998, when Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna,Dean Thomas, Mr...
11. “Dobby is free!”— Dobby Related121 Quotes About Best Friends That Will Move You 12. “Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!”— Dobby 13. “Master has given Dobby a sock!”— Dobby 14. “Dobby only wants Harry Potter to be safe.”— Dobby ...
A free elf..1.dobby has come to rescue Harry pottre of course.多比来这里当然是为了救哈利.波特。2.dobby will always be there for
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