yocto do_fetch失败原因 1. 网络不好导致超时报错 解决方法:换网速好且稳定的网络 2. 访问git较慢超时 解决方法:可以挂VPN加速或使用其它工具加速 3. yocto中需要下载的软件包在给出的链接中没有对应版本(浏览器检查;外网需要VPN) 解决方法:把链接用浏览器访问(去掉最后的文件名),查询相近版本,修改链接所在的*...
PetaLinux编译时,可能需要从网络下载很多软件包。如果下载失败,会报告do_fetch错误,错误信息类似如下: ERROR: gtk+3-3.22.30-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure 这时候,再多执行几次,一般可以编译成功。 当然,优先推荐使用下载工具,预先下载Xilinx提供的sstate文件和软件包文件,然后设置工程使用本地一家下载的sstate文件和...
PetaLinux编译时,可能需要从网络下载很多软件包。如果下载失败,会报告do_fetch错误,错误信息类似如下: ERROR: gtk+3-3.22.30-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure 这时候,再多执行几次,一般可以编译成功。 当然,优先推荐使用下载工具,预先下载Xilinx提供的sstate文件和软件包文件,然后设置工程使用本地一家下载的sstate文件和...
$data['pagename'] ='';$this->studentlist =newadminloginModel();//$data['body'][]=View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH.'admin/main/homeheader.php',$data);$data['body'][] = View::do_fetch(VIEW_PATH .'users/brandz/index.php', $data); $data['foot'][] ='footer of K-MVC'; View::do...
ERROR: attr-native-2.4.47-r0 do_fetch: Function failed: base_do_fetch In this blog, I will guild you on how to resolve this type of fetcher issue. Solution: As you are seeing, bitbake unable to download this package attr-native-2.4.47-r0 from the URL http://download.savannah.gnu.or...
ERROR: linux-toradex-5.4.91+gitAUTOINC+c59b3c2da1-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find file file://preempt-rt.scc anywhere. The paths that were searched were: The preemt-rt.scc exists in these folders. When I remove my layer from the bblayers.conf I can build ...
ERROR: Task (/home/zh/tisdk/sources/oe-core/meta/recipes-connectivity/mobile-broadband-provider-info/mobile-broadband-provider-info_git.bb:do_fetch) failed with exit code '1' 我透過git 檢查https://github.com/GNOME/mobile-broadband-provider-info.git , 這個連結看...
我使用yocto构建imx6 SABRE 镜像,内核版本是4.9.88,有些进程在do_fetch不动,如图 Solved! Go to Solution.0 Kudos Reply 1 Solution 04-30-2020 03:06 AM 1,354 Views joanxie NXP TechSupport if you don't get any error, don't worry about this, just try to download this package, just...
SPI 全称是 Service Provider Interface,是一种将服务接口与服务实现分离以达到解耦、可以提升程序可扩展...
do_fetch ERROR Options 01-17-2024 01:40 AM 364 Views Demon Contributor I Thak you for any help. I have already download the qca-linux pack and put it into download ,but the error still happen. And I can't find the linux-firmware-1_20230804-r0 . how to solve it . 0 Kudos...