DO-331 适用于所有级别的软件关键性,范围从 A 级(最关键)到 E 级(最不关键),如 DO-178C 所定义。 它提供了有关如何在每个级别应用基于模型的技术的指导,并确保软件满足 DO-178C 和 DO-278A 的目标。 基于模型的开发流程 DO-331 概述了一个基于模型的系统开发流程,该流程与 DO-178C 和 DO-278A 的...
Supporting Information for DO-178C and DO-278A 标准号 RTCA DO-248C-2011 2011年 总页数 167页 发布单位 US-RTCA 购买 正式版 其他标准 RTCA DO-178C-2011 机载系统和设备认证中的软件注意事项 RTCA DO-248C-2011相似标准 RTCA DO-248C 2011支持DO-178C和DO-278A的补充信息RTCA DO-333-2011DO-178...
国际标准分类中,rtca do-278a涉及到。在中国标准分类中,rtca do-278a涉及到。US-RTCA,关于rtca do-278a的标准RTCA DO-278A-2011 通信、导航、监视和空中交通管理(CNS/ATM)系统的软件完整性保证注意事项 RTCA DO-278-2002 通信、导航、监视和空中交通管理(CNS/ATM)系统软件完整性保证指南...
DO-278AMost of the System Safety Programs for US and foreign civilian and military Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems were developed in the past under MIL-STD-882E Standard Practice System Safety. Many new or updated ATM systems are now being tasked with complying with DO-278A Software ...
Turnkey software development life cycle solutions; DO-178C, DO-278A, JSF-SEAL and MIL-STDs expertise
Software: DO-178C/ED-12C, DO-278A/ED-109 through DAL A/AL1 and companion documents: DO-248C, DO-330, DO-331, DO-332, and DO-333 Hardware: DO-254/ED-80 through DAL A Support and Guidance: Type Certificate (TC) Amended Type Certificate (ATC) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) Te...
a new version of standard DO-178C [1](airborne systems) and DO-278A [2] (not airborne systems) werepublished. The normative has been used as a basis for softwareassurance in the development of critical systems (safety-criticalsystems) [3]. These versions of standards introduced changes and...
The Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) has recently released DO-178C and DO-278A as new certification guidance for the production of airborne and ground-based air traffic management software, respectively. Additionally, RTCA special committee SC-205 has also produced, at the same tim...
型号: CDLL5278A 品牌: Microchip Technology 封装: DO-213AA 批次: - 数据手册: - 描述: VOLTAGE REGULATOR 购买数量: 库存:请查询 产品信息 参数信息 用户指南 MfrMicrochip Technology Series- PackageBulk Tolerance±10% Mounting TypeSurface Mount ...