He also knows scripture better than we do and one glaring example is the Christian Zionists garbage. You are right that we have choices but it seems that people are too lazy to really find out which are more important because they are too busy with trying to get wealthy, getting the ...
And we too will reply, Yeah Lord, you know I love You. But the strength and boldness of our reply will depend entirely on the depth of our relationship with the person of Christ. Whatever attitude we adopt in this life, will continue beyond the grave. This is clear from the Gospel acc...
Ignored And Forgotten: The Unspoken Genocide Of Christians In Africa– “The brutality being inflicted on Christians across Africa and the Middle East is beyond comprehension — and yet, the silence from the international community is not just passive; it is complicit, shameful, and unforgivable. I...
Christ warned us that Jews are LIARS like their father the DEVIL. Netanyahu is a case in point. Not only is Bibzy a a LIAR but a DECEIVER which St John stated is of the “spirit of the Anti-Christ.” St John was very specific about WHO were of the “spirit of the Anti-Christ”...