do you wanna build a snowman~//@YouTube精彩视频:[哈哈]//@Joeymills大老公:哈哈哈哈哈有那味儿了!!!趴着晃脚就很精髓[doge][doge][doge]//@许婉笛SHERRY:[笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]冰雪奇缘没看个几十遍,是唱不...
What happens when you rework Frozen's epic tune, "Do You Want To Build A Snowman," to represent the struggles of finals week? A mind-blowing parody, "Do You Wanna Go To Starbucks?" is created, and it becomes your new fave song of all time, EVER. Some brilliant college students reco...
40. Build a Snowman Is it wintertime, and is there snow on the ground? Instead of wishing for summer, a better idea is to make the best of what you have. Embrace winter and the snow on the ground by building a snowman. This classic family activity will give you hours of fun and ...
You've worked hard all week and should be able to enjoy those two days off, but you also want to save money. So how do you have fun without breaking the bank or even opening your wallet? For years Julia Sellers, author of the blogFrugally Blonde, felt like budgeting was a dirty word...
In this day and age, it is essential to learn and keep learning. The days of going to school until you graduate college and then “stopping” learning are past. To keep up with your competition you need a good education, and then you need to keeplearning new thingsrelated to your field...