Remember: Bullet points are often fragments rather than complete sentences. But if you choose to use a period for one phrase, use one for every bullet to maintain consistency and make your resume look more uniform and professional. Do you put periods after bullet points in Powerpoint?
By now you’ve heard the common phrase “HIIT”, but what is HIIT training, really? The catchy acronym stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, which is a quick and highly effective form of cardio. Rather than hopping on a bike or treadmill and going at a steady pace for an hour, ...
When do you a use hyphen and when do you use a dash? Punctuation: There are several types of frequently used punctuation marks that help readers understand how to understand and to read a sentence. Commonly used punctuation marks include commas, periods, semi-colons, c...
True or False: PESTEL is an acronym for political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental, and legal context(s) in which a firm operates. U.S. companies generally put earlier and more emphasis on countries where they perceive it's easier to operat...
Ideas can move across domains in a way that allows things to happen. People ask questions like “why can’t you do it like that?” and you realise that because you had issues previously you have mentally blocked off an opportunity. As an example I have had some of my richest ...
Expect to find circuits in the following high-intensity conditioning workouts: 1. As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) Circuits AMRAP is an acronym for “as many reps as possible.” This type of circuit is exactly what it sounds like: performing as many reps of an exercise as you can in a...
About 5 days ago, I created a new account because people were saying it had been taken over by alt and you could see that in the sign-up process, which would explain why they are essentially making the site unusable. When I clicked ‘Join Collarspace’ in the sign-up process, it redi...
“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” ~Colin Powell 3. They Have The Undying Burning Passion Of A Hundred Suns ...
solid ligament heal. You must clear your desire to get mobile again with your doctor’s advice if you have an injury that you cannot put weight on or have a limited range of motion. You must also clear with your doctor any type of post-surgical guideline before resuming your desire to ...
you have it moron. You’re such an anxious prat when you have nothing to do, so now you’re going to be forced to do it, and with only one arm…and that arm is flipping you the bird! Bwahahaha!” You, know like needlepoint, but edgier. As it turns out though, when you don’...