Palliative care; what do you really mean?doi:10.4314/MMJ.V20I4.10970Jessica MackriellJennifer HuntMedical Association of Malawi
Our palliative care services provide patient-centered, family-focused care for relief from the symptoms, side effects and stress of a serious illness. The goal of palliative care is to improve quality of life for our patients and their families, in the comfort of home. You can receive ...
'There is always something else we can do': staff perspectives on sedation in end of life care Aim To examine what specialist palliative care doctors and nurses understand by sedation in end of life care for patients with cancer, and their ... J Seymour,J Browne - 《Pattern Recognition》 ...
Palliative day care has expanded rapidly in the recent years, but the types of care available vary. To understand more about the different models of day care we conducted a questionnaire survey of the 43-day care centres in North and South Thames Regions in England (total population 13.75 mill...
BACKGROUND: Palliative care (PC) infrastructure has developed differently around the globe. Whereas some institutions consider the palliative care unit (PCU) a valuable component, others report that the sole provision of a state-of-the art palliative care consultation service (PCCS) suffices to adeq...
This editorial depicts the current challenges in palliative care provision for patients with a haematological malignancy and the contribution of cancer nurses.There have been significant advancements in the care of patients with a hematological malignancy over the past three or more decades1. Despite thi...
This study aimed to analyze the schools that teach ethical and legal aspects within the subject of palliative care in the degrees of medicine and nursing in Spain. Material and methods: Descriptive Analysis of the palliative care subject and their ethical and legal curricular competencies in the Sp...
What do patients receiving palliative care for cancer and their families want to be told? A Canadian and Australian qualitative study Kristjanson, What do patients receiving palliative care for cancer and their families want to be told? A Canadian and Australian qualitative study. BMJ, ... P ...
Purpose: Family caregivers (FCGs) play a pivotal role in supporting patients in palliative care at home. Person-centred support is crucial to prevent negative outcomes; therefore, evidence-based approaches such as the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool Intervention (CSNAT-I) are promising. To unde...
This is why it is important for you to know your rights as a patient. All citizens have a right to healthcare services. As the world observes World Patient Safety Day, countries around the globe continue to work hard to ensure they are moving towards eliminating avoidable harm in healthcare...