As urine is formed in the kidneys, it will flow through these tubes to be stored in the bladder until it's peed out. You might be able to see the bladder on an ultrasound at 10 to 14 weeks, and even see the bladder emptying at 15 weeks. In a male fetus, the ureth...
Special question: Are you a willing person to spare and donate one of your good kidney if anyone of your relatives or friends need it?About me: I am doubtful about my both kidneys as my health is in a bad state. So I won't.
Every time you drink alcohol, your kidneys go into overdrive in their effort to eliminate alcohol from your blood. To make things worse, drinking alcohol also suppresses a hormone called vasopressin, which regulates how often you urinate. That’s why you have to go to the bathroom more often...
Kidney damage:Too much protein makes your kidneys work harder. If you already havekidney problems, you are at especially high risk. If you have foamy urine, that's a sign that there's too much protein in your urine and you should talk to your doctor right away. Dehydration:When your kid...
So if your kidneys don’t remove toxic waste and they don’t produce the hormones that you need and they have a problem with fluid, then you have a dialyzer on your machine which takes out the toxic waste material and it’s by molecule size, and then you have fluid removal at the sa...
s kidneys. Hydration is a very important part of your child’s health. Make sure that you provide them with plenty of water daily and help them understand how much theyneed to drink. You can also educate yourself on the link between hydration and sickness while showing your child the ...
Why you need a kidney cleanse, what juices to drink, what foods to avoid, and what foods help eliminate toxins and wastes from your kidneys.
When your kidneys are not functioning well, there will be signs you need a kidney detox. Find out what foods aggravate and what foods help.
DepartmentKalraDepartmentEuropean journal of vascular and endovascular surgery: the official journal of the European Society for Vascular SurgeryMoss J, Kalra P, Chakraverty S. Do kidneys need blood? Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2014;47:459e60.
You need to get a lot of exercise to keep your body healthy and strong. All kinds of exercise are good.Be careful about medicine. Some kinds of medicine can damage your kidneys and your body. Make sure you follow the doctors' advice on what medicine you should take....