我如何在APA格式中使用DOI? 我如何在MLA格式中使用DOI? 我如何在芝加哥格式中使用DOI? 请确保在投稿前将您的论文稿件在内容和格式上予以完善! 什么是DOI?它有什么作用? 您或许看到过参考文献列表的尾部带有一长串数字,数字前面有一个缩略语“doi”。您的论著或许被指出过缺失doi号码。那么,DOI或doi代表什么意思...
Physical activity (PA) was significantly associated with cognition and mental health in children and adolescent. However, there were few studies examining the associations of PA with academic achievement (AA) and academic burden (AB) by gender and school
The physicians were also asked to rate their confidence in their diagnosis (“How confident are you with your primary diagnosis?”) from 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely) for each case. Details for other individual-related measures are in Supplementary Note 2. Analysis As pre-registered (...
To systematically review and quantitatively synthesise the evidence for the impact of different types of school-based interventions on the reduction of sch
Example items of the scale include: “I don't like situations that are uncertain”, “I find that a well-ordered life with regular hours suits my temperament”, or “I enjoy having a clear and structured mode of life.” (on a seven-point Likert scale –1 = strongly disagree to 7 =...
No. 14 (“Why do you think you started and if you continue, why do you still self-injure without meaning to kill yourself?”), where the scores range from 0 (never a reason) to 4 (always a reason), and are subsequently scored in terms of IER (the total score, variable between 0...
These include new forms of mutual relations that shaped even their most basic social structures, such as the increasing possibilities of marital arrangements, as Giddens [66] (p. 38) points out in The transformation of intimacy. Undoubtedly, after the Middle Ages, surprise seems to have become ...
early differences in foundational social and motor cues could go on to impact later cognitive development. Specifically, a reduction in lateralised attention to faces could negatively impact all cognitive processes that build upon the interaction with social stimuli, which could include anything from rec...
APA is known as the American Psychological Association and is a type of citation format. Citations are used to give credit to the original authors and still use the work in essays. The most important thing to citing work is knowing what the teacher or professor wants; sometimes they want ...