Now, the day Levi was born was simultaneously one of the scariest and one of the most joyful days of my life. Pam and I had no idea what we were getting into— there is no class or book that can fully prepare you for the experience of the delivery room. I also learned that day t...
Do you have a favorite beach or do you switch it up where you go year after year? We have prices for you for all the beaches in Monmouth and Ocean County. Check to see what your beach is charging this year. The time is now to get ready for the upcoming summer season (Prices ...
the 2024 Gaza protesters should have a greater appreciation for former First-Lady Michelle Obama’s words spoken at the May 25, 2015 Oberlin graduation, i.e., “And in the face of all of that clamor, you might have an overwhelming instinct to just run the other way as fast as you ...
Houston, Houston, Do You Read? James Tiptree, Jr., aside from the award-winning story that follows this introduction, has been justly lauded as one of the excellent writers to appear in science fiction in recent years. Precise biographical data, however, have been difficult to come by. ...
Early on, it was the only glimmer of hope in the environment of certain death that surrounded the disease. In recent years, the findings have enabled those infected to live relatively normal lives...albeit still vulnerable to the clandestine efforts of a clever virus. Every now and then, I...
Do you have any suggestions for me going forward? I don’t have the money to buy any professional instruments, and even the cheaper ones are close to being out of my price range, but I don’t want to get something so cheap either. Reply MajoringInMusic Contact professors of the ...
Houston, Houston, Do You Read? James Tiptree, Jr., aside from the award-winning story that follows this introduction, has been justly lauded as one of the excellent writers to appear in science fiction in recent years. Precise biographical data, however, have been difficult to come by. ...