Why any fear of detection? Why must their marriage be private? Oh! no, no, this is not likely. His most particular friend, you see by Jane's account, was persuaded of his never intending to marry her. Wickham will never marry a woman without some money. He cannot afford it. And wha...
So, I think we can agree that spending even a minute in doubt and fear won’t add anything positive to your life. But, the big question is how can you get rid of your worries and fears? You say, those emotions just overtake your life and it isn’t much you can do about it. Tha...
“Keep the money,” the king said to Haman, “and do with the people as you please.”New Living TranslationThe king said, “The money and the people are both yours to do with as you see fit.”English Standard VersionAnd the king said to Haman, “The money is given to you, the ...
If you know danger is coming to others, and you deliberately fail to warn the others of the danger, you are guilty of harming the victims. This is not to say that you can make people heed your warning. The surrounding verses also say that if the people refuse to heed the warning of ...
Whilst before you’d outfit V in the Reinforced-Laminate Military Flight Jacket for its defensive stats, now V can wear it just because it looks cool.Become an overpowered hackerV is likely to come face to face with supremely overpowered netrunners within Dogtown, so it’d be wise to shore...
• Behind him the mill was silenced, or at least overpowered.• Lastly, they want to give tax advantages to causes deemed worthy, or at least popular.• What keeps these young people and their parents at home is crime, or at least the fear of it....
I RP my Sith Warrior as a Sith Inquisitor/Warrior hybrid Overpowered sadist that will kill everything living in his way to... well basically conquer every dimension known. This is usually a problem in RP play-by-post threads... they always complain that I go god-mod on everybody. They...
Each time He said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 March 29th is the day I pulled out my Passion CD. Prompted by a failed morning (I’d slammed the devotion book on the breakfast table about five times trying to get my bic...
5547 LAWYER (6) Not a problem to get framed by real backwards attorney (6) LA(WY)ER<Not a problem = you’re welcome = YW(thanks to deus for punching up this part of clue) dohz 1 5558 ANSWER (6) A compass points right to the solution (6) A+NSWE+R dohz 1 ...
Ganymede is the only Galilean moon (and only non-gas giant body other than Earth) to have a magnetosphere. However, it is still overpowered by Jupiter’s powerful magnetic field. On average, the moon receives about 8 rads of radiation per day, which is the equivalent of what the surface ...