Why do Orthodox women not wear tefillin or a tallit during prayer?SHLOMO M BRODY SHLOMO M. BRODY
The Women of the Wall, known as WoW, are religious Jewish women who wear the ceremonial prayer shawl ( tallit ), as do men; pray from the Torah Scroll, as do men; and pray aloud in a group ( tfila ), as do men. They have called it the th... F Raday - Springer Berlin Heidel...
In September I applied to join 200 women from all over to take a journey of a life time. I will be going on a trip to Israel. A place I have always wanted to visit. I was not brought up in an observant home, yet since I was a child I have heard that this trip is transformati...
Claiming Equal Religious Personhood: Women of the Wall's Constitutional Saga The Women of the Wall, known as WoW, are religious Jewish women who wear the ceremonial prayer shawl ( tallit ), as do men; pray from the Torah Scroll, as do men; and pray aloud in a group ( tfila ), as ...