The syntax for do...while loop is: do { // body of do while loop } while (test-expression); How do...while loop works? The body of do...while loop is executed at first. Then thetest-expressionis evaluated. If thetest-expressionistrue, the body of loop is executed. ...
Syntax: foreach ($array as $value) { // code to be executed } Example Output Samsung OnePlus Xiaomi Apple PHP While Loop The While loop is another way to execute tasks multiple times, just like for loop, but for loop is a bit more structured and rigid than while loop. You can choose...
whileloop do...whileloop In the previous tutorial, we learned about theC++ for loop. Here, we are going to learn aboutwhileanddo...whileloops. C++ while Loop The syntax of thewhileloop is: while(condition) {// body of the loop} ...
1. Syntax The general syntax of a do-while loop is as follows: do { statement(s); } while (condition-expression); Let us note down a few important observations: The do-while statements end with a semicolon. The condition-expression must be a boolean expression. The statement(s) can be...
Loop While: It’s the keyword to continue the loop and test the condition that you have specified. Condition: it is the condition that you want to test before the loop starts its second iteration and carries on the loop. As you can see in the syntax of Do Loop While, it will first ...
Do Loops (Basic Syntax) Article 09/14/2006 A Do loop can be used to execute a fixed block of statement an indefinite number of times.The 4 different types of Do loopsExpand table Type of Do LoopExplanationExample Do While Loop The Do While ... Loop evaluates the condition, and if ...
The Do/While LoopThe do/while loop is a variant of the while loop. This loop will execute the code block once, before checking if the condition is true, then it will repeat the loop as long as the condition is true.Syntax do { // code block to be executed } while (condition); ...
Syntax do { statement } while ( expression ) ; statement can be a block of statements. Example Following is an example of a do...while loop designed to find the smallest power of 10 that is larger than _Value. X++ 複製 int FindPower(real _Value) { int ex=-1; real curVal; ; ...
while loop Flowchart Syntax while(test condition){ //code to be executed } If the test condition inside the () becomes true, the body of the loop executes else loop terminates without execution. The process repeats until the test condition becomes false. Example: while loop in C // ...
前文方舟编译器学习笔记29介绍了if语句的向下转换;方舟编译器学习笔记32介绍了while和dowhile语句的向下转换;在MAPLE IR的控制语句向下转换的处理之中,还有一个doloop语句。(注:foreachelem语句及其相关的数组管理扩展也未做介绍,后续专门写一篇文章介绍。) ...