"Some of the instruments on 2020 are really going to zero in on the finer detail of the rocks, the kind of things that we can't see with the instruments that we currently have, and cache samples that eventually, if they were returned to Earth, could provide us long-term, fundamental ...
Mars today has a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, and the pressure on the surface is too low for water to flow. But the planet's environment was different in the ancient past: Rovers and spacecraft have seen extensive evidence of rivers, ancient stream beds and possible oceans. While researche...
火星探测车(MarsExplorationRovers)和火星侦查者号轨道探测器(Mars ReconnaissanceOrbiteO都在火星上观测到了铁硫酸盐,这使得在实验室中研究铁 硫酸盐在火星表面类似条件下的性质变得十分重要。而叶绿矾族矿物是火星表面 或者表面浅层可能存在的铁硫酸盐矿物之一,因此研究它的光谱学性质特别是其 光谱在有阳离子替代情况下...
MarsandEarthhaveorbitswhichchangewithtime. 我们太阳系的行星有水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。 TheplanetsofoursolarsystemareMercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranusand Neptune. 就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星!从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散!让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇。 Scatter,asfrom...