How to Distinguish Between Hornets, Bees and Wasps Do Termites Bite People? Crypt-Keeper Wasp: An Interesting Hyperparasite Why Do Caterpillars Turn Into Butterflies?
Donothave another child.As an individual, perhaps the biggest single thing you can do is not contribute to overpopulation. Each extra person is one more consumer driving a big car to that warehouse mega-store, buying cartloads of over-packaged stuff, wanting to build a big new hom...
Then there are stinging insects, such as bees, wasps and ants. These are typically just defending themselves. But as well as being painful, the venom they inject when they sting can cause potentially severe allergic reactions. How do you best treat a sting or bite? If you suffer potentially...
The majority of animals are solitary, but a very significant group of mammals and insects, like ants and termites, bees and wasps, are very social and they group together because in a group it’s much safer: you can defend yourself more easily if you’re in a group, you can find ...