idion iodine solution and thereafter with saline. Hemostasis and chyle leak are checked and dealt with. Suction drains are placed behind the incision line, in the hair bearing area. The skin is closed in two layers, first with 3–0 vicryl and then with 4–0 monocryl sub-cuticular sutures....
is no need for the flap to reach the volar skin edge if the exposed bone is covered 3 to 5 mm higher. The entire flap is then covered with a thin, split-thickness skin graft, hand-meshed and sutured with 5-0 Vicryl interrupted sutures placed ...
Absorbable sutures-polyglycolic acid Dexon), polyglactic acid (Vicryl), or chromic catgut-are most commonly used for episiotomy repair. Polyglycolic acid and polyglactic acid are synthetic polymers, and tissue reacts less with them than with catgut suture. These synthetic suture mat...