x=100 v=1 do while n<=x v=v*n n=n+1 loop v是结果
CREATE PROCEDURE insert_user(OUT u_id INTEGER,IN u_name VARCHAR(20),IN u_sex VARCHAR(20),IN...
VBA / Excel / Access / Word Language Basics Do Until Exit Do Until Loop Sub AskForPassword4() Dim pWord As String pWord = "" Do Until pWord = "DADA" pWord = InputBox("What is the Report password?") If pWord = "" Then Exit Do Loop End Sub ...
有兩種方式可以使用Until關鍵詞來檢查Do...Loop 語句。 您可以先檢查條件,再輸入程式) 中所示的迴圈 (,或在ChkFirstUntil迴圈至少執行一次之後檢查 (,如程式) 所ChkLastUntil示。 當條件維持為 False時,循環會繼續。 VB SubChkFirstUntil() counter =0myNum =20DoUntilmyNum =10myNum = myNum -1counter...
可通过两种方式使用Until关键字检查Do...Loop语句中的条件。 您可以在进入循环前检查条件(如ChkFirstUntil过程中所示),或者也可以在至少运行循环一次后检查(如ChkLastUntil过程中所示)。 循环在条件仍为False时继续运行。 VB SubChkFirstUntil() counter =0myNum =20DoUntilmyNum =10myNum = myNum -1counter...
可通过两种方式使用Until关键字检查Do...Loop语句中的条件。 您可以在进入循环前检查条件(如ChkFirstUntil过程中所示),或者也可以在至少运行循环一次后检查(如ChkLastUntil过程中所示)。 循环在条件仍为False时继续运行。 VB SubChkFirstUntil() counter =0myNum =20DoUntilmyNum =10myNum = myNum -1counter ...
VBA Do Until Loop Do Until Loop Until Exit Do Loop End or Break Loop More Loop Examples Loop Through Rows Loop Through Columns Loop Through Files in a Folder Loop Through Array Loops in Access VBA To work effectively in VBA, you must understand Loops. ...
Example 1 – Using a Simple Do Until Loop in VBA Instead of repeating the same code multiple times, we can use theDo Untilloop to automate the process. In the dataset below, we have some football players’ salaries at their clubs. All the players are from Argentina. We’ll execute aDo...
vba中do 循环 accessvba循环表vba中循环语句 循环语句是很多人开始使用VBA的理由,因为在批量处理大量数据的多条件判断时,函数已经没办法满足我们的需求了。而VBA可以使用简单的循环完成这一工作。循环语句 1.For...Next语句 在上一篇我们介绍判断语句的时候,就使用了For..Next的循环语句,在这里简单的讲一下。 案例...
VBA Do Loop – Example #1 In this example, we will see how Do Until Loop works. We will run the condition where the Do loop will print the number until the condition is TRUE and get excited once the condition becomes FALSE. Step 1:Now, open a Module from the Insert menu tab firstly...