Introduction to the VBA Do Until Loop A Do Until Loop is a type of loop that runs until a condition is met. It differs from a standard Do Loop in that a Do Until Loop will run until the condition is True, whereas a Do Loop will run until the condition is False. VBA Do Until Loo...
VBA - Do-Until Loops - A Do…Until loop is used when we want to repeat a set of statements as long as the condition is false. The condition may be checked at the beginning of the loop or at the end of loop.
Introduction to the VBA Do Until Loop ADo Until Loopis a type of loop that runs until a condition is met. It differs from a standardDo Loopin that aDo Until Loopwill run until the condition isTrue, whereas aDo Loopwill run until the condition isFalse. VBA Do Until Loop: Syntax TheDo ...
方法/步骤 1 如下图所示,根据右侧所列标准,判断A列所示分数所属等级,并将结果放置在B列。以下我们提供三种判断等级的方法代码,分别是:循环语句Do...Loop、Do while Loop 、Do until Loop三种方式的代码。2 首先,我们要看下自己电脑是否有【开发工具】选项卡,没有的话,需要点击【文件】/【选项】...
Do until...Loop 语句是直到条件变成True时才停止循环 如果事先知道循环次数,应该使用For循环,据说它比Do循环速度快 不知道起点和终点,需要在循环内计算结果出来以后才能判断是否该终止循环的,用Do Loop循环。反之,如果很明确需要循环计算的次数,则用For……Next……计量循环。
01 Do While...Loop语句 Do While...Loop语句在满足条件时,进行相同的循环操作。循环一直进行到不满足条件的时候,同时结束Do While...Loop语句。其格式代码如下: Do While 条件式 循环操作处理 Loop 来看看下面这个例子。 运行结果如下。 02 Do Until...Loop语句 ...
总结:until 是排除条件。不否和条件的,才执行命令;while 是只执行条件。只有满足才执行命令。PS: Exit Do 仅可以用在 Do...Loop 循环语句中,提供另一种退出 Do...Loop 的方法。可以在 Do...Loop 语句中的任何位置放置任意个 Exit Do。Exit Do 通常与条件判断语句(如 If...Then )一起使用,将控制...
VBA中的do_loop_until循环,表示直到条件成立才终止循环。工具/原料 Redmibook 13 windows 10 excel 2013 方法/步骤 1 新建一个excel表格,找到上边的开发工具。2 找到vba编程入口,插入一个模块。3 创建一个test函数,编写循环代码。4 do_loop_until循环的代码基本格式如下。5 运行结果为1,可以多运行几遍。6 ...
1 第一种方法do until...loop:until:类型if语句,直到满足某个条件时,将退出循环。do until...loop 2 1、初始数据依然如下图所示 3 2、打开VBE,输入代码;Sub doUntilLoop()Dim rs%rs = 2Do Until Cells(rs, 2) = "" If Cells(rs, 2) >= 90 Then Cells(rs, 3) = "是" Else ...
Do Until Loop in Excel VBAAlthough not used very often on this site, you might find yourself in a situation where you want to use the Do Until Loop in Excel VBA. Code placed between Do Until and Loop will be repeated until the part after Do Until is true....