For both top-load and front-load washers with separate dispensers, load the clothing in, then add liquid or powder detergent and fabric softener to the dispenser and start the machine. If you're using single-use detergent, like Tide Pods, place it in the machine before adding your clothing...
I am currently an on campus resident at my university and I am highly allergic to detergents. The only thing that has seemed to work with me is ALL Free & Clear. When I am home I have to wash my clothes separately. At school I get to wash my clothes and I wait until I am down ...
When the precious liquid finally gushes from the ground, it varies from scalding to warm (depending on the spring). You’re welcome to take a dip in the main spring, which is about bathwater temperature, and also home to a number of fish species found nowhere else in the world: the Dal...
it is hard to deny that chocolate has become a huge part of modern society. What began as a prized, bitter liquid that was used in a ceremonial fashion more than 5,000 years ago has transformed over the centuries into a sweet, smooth treat that adorns store ...
But although they are sitting on huge cash reserves and other liquid assets, companies are more disposed to make capital in- vestments, upgrade facilities or seek attractively priced acquisitions than to hire. U.S. companies are currently making new equipment and soft- ware purchases at the ...